Chapter 139

Lillian walks over next to Alazar then brushes her hair away from her ear and she leans closer to her where her breath was hitting Alazars ear.

" did you like what you saw earlier" Lillian said with a smirk, Alazar turns her head looking Lillian straight in her eyes with a serious face.

" yes, Yes I did more so than I have before " Alazar said with their mouths a couple centimeters from each other, Lillians eyes flickered down to her lips then back up to her eyes.

" well I'm always available for you if you need to see for yourself " Lillian said licking her lips while slowly backing away from Alazar who is now wearing a confused look at what Lillian has said.

Amima was watching the two intently while Nae was looking through a spell book and closes the book storing it in her storage ring.

" well let's go to the manor Amima and talk to Richie, father even has some rated x spells we can try out on Lillian " Nae said pulling in Amima who pulls away to kiss Lillian passionately while she grabs Lillians butt squeezing both cheeks.

" Fallon stay by them both none of you are to be alone no matter what Trent or anyone says ..... I want you to keep your mother at your side as well and have Richie empty the vault, I'll come there and that should give him plenty of time " Lillian said handing Amima a gold storage ring that had a blue gem on it, the gem could block any signatures from the magic items so no one could Sense it.

" Philips family has a larger vault filled with things that was said to be lost a long time ago and they don't turn in what they have to the council either " Nae said kissing Lillian gently then caresses her cheek, Lillian kisses Naes cheek then smiles.

" well I'll take care of their vault and I want to teach Phillip a lesson as well " Lillian said smacking Naes butt while ushering them out, she smiles at Alazar who is alone in the room with her.

Lillian pulls Alazar closer to her by her hips, she brushes her lips over Alazar who swallows hard and she pulls her over to a chair making her sit on her lap.

" you've seen people being pleasured before, but have you ever felt pleasure yourself...." Lillian said laying her hand against Alazars stomach while the girl who was sitting on her lap was thinking.

" I don't know, I can't say that I have or can remember if I've felt pleasure before" Alazar said while Lillians hand slides down her stomach now rubbing her inner thigh, she gently kisses Alazars neck and rubbing her hand higher to where her finger was now brushing against Alazars lips.

Alazars breathing got heavier under Lillians hands, Lillian leans back in the chair bringing Alazars back against her chest while one hand slips in the front while she kneads her breast while the other hand slides through Alazars wet folds.

" mmmm it seems that your already wet, does this feel good " Lillian said while her fingers do circular motions on her clit, Alazars fingernails are digging into Lillians skin while she is now panting.

" MMM ahhh haah ahhn" Alazar moans loud, she lays her head back on Lillians shoulder while Lillian slides her fingers down to Alazars entrance while her palm is still moving against her bundle of nerves. Lillian puts one finger inside of Alazar getting her use to it and then added the other as she thrusts in and out of Alazar.

" HAAH AHHNNN MMMM HAAH" Alazar moans out while her body shakes and her breathing speeding up, Lillian catches her lips in a passionate kiss as her walls tighten around Lillians fingers.

Lillian kisses her gently after her orgasm, she hugs Alazar kissing her neck as well and let's her calm down from her high of the orgasm she just had.

" well that's pleasure that we feel when doing these things, also you cannot do these things with anyone else for now on except for me " Lillian said while caressing Alazars cheek with her fingers and licks her own hand clean of Alazars juices.

" ok keep an eye on everyone with your crows and I'll be there shortly after going to a few stores near Trents manor" Lillian said as Alazar stood up with shaky legs while Lillian smiles at her gently and then kisses her goodbye.

Hundreds of crows fly off from the house the girls stay in while a few crows follow Lillian while the others are positioning themselves around the manor and area.

Lillian buys out alot of the stores and a hour later made her way to the manor with a couple of crows flying above her.

When Lillian knocks on the door Richie answered it bowing down at a 90° angle, he appreciates Lillian removing the slave mark and would serve her from now on that's why he acted no different in front of Trent.

" well Richie have you spoken to Nae yet, if yes start right away with that and I'll deal with Trent. I also want you to help getting their mother ready to travel as long as yourself.....Send a invitation for Naes exes family to be here immediately" Lillian said walking toward the sitting room that Trent was sitting at, when she entered Trent hurriedly kneeled keeping his eyes on the floor.

" M-Master my daughter's are in their room getting dressed to meet you as we speak, should I call for them" Trent said while Lillian stared down at him, she smiles smugly as she walks past him seeing a rose bush that was in a glass case.

" well this is nice, I don't recall seeing this before" Lillian said staring at a rose bush that looked like they were made from crystals the roses were blue they looked just like gemstones while the stems looked like gemstones as well shining from the light hitting it.

" that's a welcome gift..I'm sorry if it's late the rose bush is a type of magical crystals and only a few exist in the world today." Trent said as he stayed kneeling, Lillian stores the gift in her ring then noticed a few spell books on how to nullify someone's magic core.

Lillian picked up the book noticing certain pages marked about destroying someone's core and another passage was wearing it long enough to take advantage of them.

" well Trent these spells who are you planning them for " Lillian asked as he jerked his head up seeing Lillian holding his book.

" we are having problems with a group of rebels whose leader is stronger than even me, I've been looking for ways to subdue him without sacrificing our men to her " Trent said as Lillian closed the book then stored all of the books in her storage, she motions for him to raise up.

" I'll check this rebel out and see what they want or who is in the actual wrong " Lillian said as Richie comes inside the room, he bows his head then looks at Lillian.

" Master the guests have arrived " Richie said bowing as he then waits for the four people to enter and then he leaves to do what Lillian told him to do.