Chapter 140

The Thornton's walk inside the room, Ami bows to Lillian while the other three stare at her and Ami smacks the two children in the back of their heads, Lillian noticed the bruises on Ami that was not there before and also the fear that radiates from her when she looks at her husband.

"KNEEL FOR OUR MASTER " Ami said, the boy and girl quickly kneel on the floor with Ami while the man stood still staring at Lillian with dought.

" do we know that you really are the demon queen" Ryan said with a lopsided grin, Lillian stands up with a lovely smile that made all five of their hearts to skip a beat while Philip got a hard on that disgusted Lillian when she felt the man's lust for her.

" well we'll get to that soon enough, well Ami these are your two children and would you introduce us " Lillian said taking Amis hand helping her up from kneeling, the man scoffed at how his wife was acting with this woman.

" this is Philip and this is Helix, she is my youngest" Ami said as Philip stood up while Helix stayed in her kneeling position.

" son no one told you to rise " Ami said staring at Phillip who shrugs then palms his bulge, Amis face flushed red with anger as Lillian stands in front of her then whispers in Amis ear and making sure her lips brush the shell of Amis ear.

" your men are very disrespectful to you and I have to teach them a lesson...I just hope that Ami and Helix will forgive me " Lillian said as she help Helix up from the floor, she walks both women over to the sofa to have a seat and when Philip walks over to sit in the nearby chair Lillian moves the chair causing him to land on the floor.

" what the hell...who did that " Philip said angrily while Ami glared at him, she loves her son but she cannot stand how he is though. Ryan has let him get by with whatever he wanted, when he treated Nae as badly as he did she would speak up to her husband he would beat her badly and also Helix to keep Ami in check.

" you little shit ! " Lillian shouted while holding her hand up making Philip float in the air grasping at his throat, his fathers eyes go wide as he tries to counter Lillian with a spell that dissipates in front of her. Ryan threw a few more powerful spells at full strength at her and they dissipated as well.

Lillian flicks her eyes at Ryan and he flies through the air hitting the wall on the other side of the room as he crashes to the floor.

Blood trickling down his head as he watches his son's face turning purple as he gasps with air, Ryan crawls over to Lillian bowing his head on the floor.

Lillian flicks her head throwing Phillip into a nearby wall knocking him out, Ami was fearful at first but she seemed to be ok if both of the men in her life seized to exist. Lillian felt the woman's thoughts then smiles softly at both the women.

" I want you to do me a favor Ami " Lillian said as Ryan tried to raise up from kneeling and Lillian puts her foot on the back of his head pushing him back down.

" Stay !!" Lillian said as she walks over to Ami leaning down near her ear whispering to her, the woman's face brightens up and nods her head quickly.

" who told you men that you are better than women and that my witches are lesser beings than males....The first person my father gave these powers to was a woman and I'm now queen, well I guess I'm a Alpha female but I'm still a female with my demon having a extra something to it " Lillian said staring at both men in the room, she clicks her tongue while motioning Ami to go do what she said and the woman grabs her daughter then leaves.

Trent was gritting his teeth as he stared at his so called friend who was acting smugly in front of their master and he even warned him before hand.

" well things are going to change here or this place will be taken back while you can run like rats in the human world and be burned at a stake if caught being a witch or what you men have changed yours to warlocks. Ami is going to be the new head of the council and men are going to be second to women here or they can leave or die " Lillian said as both mens eyes go wide, they sat there quietly while trying to think of a way to turn this around. Phillip started to move around some while Ryan prayed that his idiotic son would know to keep his mouth shut and to sit still.

" BITCH !!! You think you can treat me the next male to inherit this place like that " Philip shouted while he got to his feet limping toward Lillian, Ryan went to get up when a pressure slammed down on him pressing him down to the floor.

Lillian looks over at Philip who gritted his teeth seeing his father kneeling to a woman, he throws a powerful fire spell at Lillian using all of his strength. Ryans face goes pale knowing it would be a miracle for his son to live after pulling this right after he did and even he is lucky to be alive right now.

Lillian let the fire consume her body as she stood in the flames that only burnt the dress she was wearing while Phillip had a sadistic smile on his face.

" father I've taken care of this fraud get up, who is she that we must kneel to. While I'm here I'll teach Nae and Amami a good lesson while I force the sisters to please me." Phillip said laughing at the thought of what he was going to do to Amami while making Nae watch, Ryan tried to force his head to turn to give his son a look but couldn't.

" YOU FOOL STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND SAYING....KNEEL TO OUT MASTER NOW!!!!" Ryan shouted out while the force came down harder on him, Trent shook his head and Phillip looked at them both confused of why their acting like this.

Lillian snapped her fingers as the flame disappeared, she stood their naked the two men kept their eyes down and Phillip looked at her from head to toe.

" Please master he is my only son have mercy I'll do what ever you want, I'll even give you my daughter please" Ryan cried out while he felt how menacing Lillians Aura is right now, he looked at his son out the corner of his eyes seeing his son's smug look while eating their master with his eyes.

" your daughter is more talented than this boy and you use the women like cattle for trade...Tsk..Tsk I probed your daughter and wife's power, they are both stronger than you both and he is chosen for succession since he is male. You men don't learn but this town will change or I'll take it back, two of these places my father created using a 1/3 of his power to keep people he cared for safe and you all act like it's yours to choose who controls it or who is important. You also brought the way the humans act outside with their women into this magical place where you all could live freely, no man will rule these places again and if any man goes against the rules I'll set into place will be exiled by this place immediately " Lillian said walking closer to Phillip, she reaches down grabbing his member and he moans but then he started screaming as Lillian Rios his member off.

Screams could be heard all the way down the street, even the council members could even hear the blood curtling scream and halted in their steps.

Ryan clenches his eyes shut and bangs his head on the floor, Phillip was rolling on the floor with a puddle of blood.

" get up and heal the wound, if you want him to survive then he must without this little fellow and just fyi your lucky to be considered a man with such a small member" Lillian said watching Ryan crawls over and healing his son when Ami walks in seeing the aftermath.

" Master I brought the council who has the center gem with them " Ami said stepping over her son walking to Lillians side while Phillip started crying for his mother, she had memories flood her of being assaulted by both her son and husband.

" well start cleaning up this mess " Ami said staring at Philip and Ryan who were stunned by her cold words, Lillian glared at Ryan who quickly nodded in agreement.

" you two stay here and clean up his small mess, all of you follow me out front to get this over with " Lillian said as she ushers them outside and takes the the world Gem from the cloaked man.

Lillian mumbled a long spell as purple lightning spread throughout the town and a few minutes later strikes started raining down sparratically hitting certain men and women who was doing unspeakable things to their fellow witches.

A hour later Lillian has finished the spell as the world Gem floats up in the sky getting hit by the purple lightning as the arcs surround it to where no one but Lillian or who she chooses to control the world Gem.

" Ami there will be twelve people that will come by later that is the new council members and you are my representative that is in charge for me so do a good and fair job or I'll be pissed." Lillian said as the ones who was left in the council frowns but doesn't object, she pulls out a scroll to hand over to Ami and winks at Helix.

" Helix you will also be the town sheriff, you have good judgement and a fair heart so I trust you will do a good job. A female guard who was working here will be your second to help out and she is stronger than most male guards so she is a power that will protect you and Ami plus my devine lightning will strike anyone down who tries to break my rules on this scroll " Lillian said as the female guard walks up standing next to Helix, Lillian seen Helix blush at the female guard and smiled nudging the guard with her elbow.

" well it looks like the beauty likes a beauty~" Lillian said as the guard giggled looking over at Helix, she shoos them away while walking back into the house and turns to Ami and the other two females.

" Al kill those men that was the old council before they can hurt Helix and Ami, Fallon is upstairs get her to help you. " Lillian said, Amis eyes go wide then she walks closer to Lillian.

" master are you sure they've been on this council for hundreds of years" Ami said as Lillian rubs her lower back leaning closer to her and kisses her cheek.

" oh I'm sure, even now they are talking of ways to get rid of you " Lillian said, Fallon runs down the step with a bow gun and Al following behind her as they rush down the street with four other guards that Al Has chosen earlier thats good friends with her.

Phillip was curled in a fetal position while Ryan sat their holding his head in his hands, Nae and Amima came down and looked at the others indifferently.

Nae was looking at Phillip with disdain and curiosity of the blood that was covering his clothes, when Phillip seen Nae he stood up making his way over to Nae.

" Nae please help me tell this woman to heal me properly for the sake of an heir." Phillip said as his father slaps the table next to him seething with anger pointing at Phillip.

" are you so dumb to not keep your mouth shut....SIT DOWN !"Ryan shouted glaring at his son who stared at him with disbelief, Nae starts laughing as she now knows what Lillian did and walks closer to Lillian. Everyone looked at them both standing face to face while Phillip felt proud that his fiance was going to stand up to this woman, but confused as to why his fiance laughed at him. Ami rolled her eyes at her son and walked over pouring some drinks for the women to have, Amima glared at Phillip and still thinks he deserves more punishment for his actions.

Nae kisses Lillian passionately while her hands roamed Lillians naked body, everyone else was to fearful to acknowledge her being naked and Ami liked the view.

Lillian breaks their kiss while the mens mouths were hanging open and Phillip was seething in anger, he grabs Nae by the hand pulling her away from Lillian who growls loudly.

Lillian changes into her demon form with no clothes on even her member was in full view, both Ami and Helix both choke when they see it and can't help to stare. All three of the men stared as well feeling inadequate and couldn't look away from it while Phillip pointed stuttering out.

" y-y-you " Phillip stuttered out, Lillian flicks her finger and he flies into the wall again knocking him out, Amami walks over then takes Lillians member in her hand.

" cover yourself up, you've been naked in front of all of them and I don't like it....only if they are mates or future mates can you show them" Amami said while Ami started fanning herself wishing to have a one on one talk with Lillian in private.

" well Ryan your sons punishment is far from over. have someone take them to the dungeon and here is discreet instructions for what I want done while also sent a recording of these punishments...Ami is there something we need to discuss in private before I go" Lillian said when Fallon and Al entered the house, Al was covered in blood and Helix was as well.

Amima frowned at Lillian when she asked Ami that question, Nae smiled at her sisters jealousy and pats her shoulder.

" Amami your still holding Lillians um member...let go " Nae said as she pulled a red robe out from her storage covering Lillian up and Richie walked in the room with a woman that had brown hair similar as Naes. The woman looked like she could be Nae and Amimas sister, she was a powerful witch that has been inked with a spell to make her weak. Lillian walks over to the woman and smiles at her, she pulls her dress down in the front seeing ink of a binding tattoo in between her breast.aássßs

Pressure bursts out from Lillian pushing the men down to the floor and sneers at Trent, Richie stands there holding the weak mother of the girls up.

" you dare do this to another witch, you have kept half her soul suppressed bastard " Lillian said as she holds her hand over the spell, she lowers her hand and picks the woman up.

" I'll be a while with her, take these two to the dungeon as well with Phillip and let them have the same punishment. All of their marriages are cancelled as well make a public speech that anyone who was forced into a marriage of any kind is now annulled fully with the women or men that was forced to keep their fortunes as well" Lillian said as six purple bubbles float up through the house up to the world Gem as a light blue lightning streak comes down to the town center where new laws are being burnt into a stone by the world Gem.

Ami walks over to Nae with a sympathetic smile and holds her hand out to shake Naes, Amima crosses her arms and scoffs at the woman.

" I'm sorry for not being strong enough for you against my ex husband and the boy who use to be my son....I am denouncing both they also are to take these punishments and also serve as slaves for the next five hundred years...Lillians punishment is a must they'll never want to hurt another soul after this" Ami said as Nae pulls her into a hug, Ami sighs hugging Nae back.

" Ami they must die or they'll look for ways to crush you for this and Lillian knows this as well, she wants you to make the decision after their punishment" Nae whispered to Ami who nodded her head and she has already thought this far ahead. Ami wants to talk to Lillian later about things she needs to do and things to look out for and she has to meet the new members soon as well.