chapter 142 City of light representative

A letter came to the door of the manner, with a man who wore an all white outfit, he had pale blue hair with dark blue eyes and a light blue tint to his white skin.

" Queen Lillian is requested by Queen Nasaria of the city of light, it's a very important matter that she wishes to speak in person and hopefully come to a agreement about certain pests " Fin said bowing his head with a polite business smile, Lillian looks at the unbroken seal that belongs to the queen of that city and she breaks it then reads the letter.

" Lillian,

A meeting with a new rebel group is now at the city, I won't leave out that the group consists of Angels, humans, beast born and shifters. This group has two powerful leaders of a angel and a Alpha from the Luna clan as their leaders, they already have a few large armies outside of the city that consists of over 90,000 that can be seen but the scouts say the tracks split three ways and looks to be over 300,000. I'm at a loss right now since I agreed with your father on this alliance and now we have a problem that I need help with.


Lillian reads the letter then burns it in her hand as ashes float away, she smiles back at the man and then looks back at Amima and Nae who are happily talking with their mother. Alazar transforms from a crow into her human form the man couldn't help but do a double take and check this beauty out. A growl comes from Lillians throat as she narrowed her eyes at him and released killing intent that made the other women look at her. The man now felt several eyes on him and the killing intent coming from all of them.

The man's face turns pale as he starts sweating from the pressure bearing down on him, Alazar feels Lillian pull her close then pulls out a robe that was red with two gold dragons embroidered on the front and back. Alazar gives Lillian a confused look, she then feels her hand slide down from her lower back and gripping her butt.

" Ahh " Alazar gasps out while the man acted like he is deaf and blind, he waits until he is spoken to before opening his mouth.

" we'll start our journey tomorrow, return to her and tell her to be ready " Lillian said with a focused look as she stares down at the ground, the man nodded and bowed again. He drew patterns in the air and put his energy into it opening up a portal he steps through.

" The city of light is said to be very beautiful" Nae said with a wide smile clearly excited about the place, Lillian smiled softly at her and hugs her waist.

" well go pack while I speak to your guys mother and Ami for a while, we need to get to the room early we'll leave before day break. I don't want to just portal there we don't know who is looking for my signature " Lillian said smacking the three girls butt, Alazar stood there not taking the hint while Amima pulled both Fallon and her by their hands behind her.

Ami stares at Lillian when she walks inside the office, she just wants at least an hour with this seductress and after she'll not bother again with this kinda request....maybe.

Mila gives Lillian a bashful smile and walks over to her then kisses her cheek with a blushing face, she just learned that both Nae and Amami are Lillians mates when they were talking. Mila felt disappointed and jealous at first then she felt happy that someone like Lillian is with them to protect them plus she knows that she will have a child from Lillian.

" I'm sorry about having you in that position when your with my children...I won't do anything or ask anything from you to put you in this position again" Mila said, Lillian looks at her but smiles while shaking her head.

" if I didn't need you and Ami here I'd take you both as well, I'll visit from time to time and you also can portal to me when you would like to spend some special time with me" Lillian said while Ami stands there feeling like she is interrupting them, she strolls by them going toward the door when she is pulled back by Lillian.

" Ami I'm saying this to you as well, Mila will you go and make sure the girls have their necessary things they want to take I'll take care of the rest. just make sure clothes and other things they might want or need " Lillian said while pulling Ami over to a chair to sit on her lap, Lillian has decided to stay in her demon form for now.

Ami was now facing away from Lillian and was nervous, she couldn't remember a time that she felt like this, Ami has never been in love or liked someone else the way she does Lillian.

" in going to pull this up and tell me if you don't want to or if your uncomfortable" Lillian said as Ami nods her head.

Lillian lifts the woman's dress after she already undone her pants and she moves her underwear to the side as she slowly rubs her fingers through Amis folds attacking her bundle of nerves.

Ami was already soaked, Lillian plays with her for a few minutes before lining her head up and gently pushing inside of Ami who gasped in pleasure.

" ahh mmm" Ami moans as she starts moving back and forth on top of Lillian who is now kneading Amis breast while kissing and sucking on Amis neck.

Ami speeds up as Lillian is moving in sync with her, Ami is making a face of pleasure while she is getting close and she can feel Lillian getting close as well.

" AHHH HAAH OHHH YES AHHNNN" Ami moans out while Lillian bites into her neck while moaning while marking Ami, she plans on marking Mila as well before she leaves. They ride out their orgasm then kiss for a while, Ami is now facing Lillian hugging her tightly.

" I wish we could all just stay here together" Ami said kissing Lillians neck, Lillian nods in agreement and then sighs.

" well the rest of my mates would love this place...I'm going to create a domain in the future just for all of us and when we can pass on the kingdoms to others that will take care of our people. We'll all live together in the place I'll create." Lillian said making Ami straighten up looking her in the eyes with a soft smile, she nods then kisses Lillian.

" we'll work hard as well and I'll work on getting stronger as well as getting things for our future, I'll also start working on a domain that you can have others work on as well as yourself. We'll make a perfect place for all of us to live and be together, I also have some maps that show where powerful treasures like the galaxy pearl that could make our domain powerful so no one could mess with us " Ami said pulling out several maps from her storage, she gives them to Lillian and kisses her again before getting up from her lap.

" go to Mila since your leaving tomorrow and tell her about this she'll have ideas for it and also some items that she knows we will need for it." Ami said, Lillian stands up then Ami started fixing both of their clothes and then walks over to the desk to finish going through papers telling her what she needs to take care of in the town.

Lillian leaves the office and instead of going to where the others are she walks down to the dungeon and stands in front of Trents cell.

" you men are foolish, with such wonderful women in your life and you manage to treat them less than garbage. They all are now my mates so you now know that even a nasty thought toward any of them is a death sentence " Lillian said loud enough for all three men to hear, Ryan walks over to his cell glaring at Lillian and can't help the rage and hate for her taking his wife.

" well my wife Ami would never be with a demon scum like yourself regardless if you are now are master, you coveted my wife and she'll be punished for her misdeeds." Ryan said with venom, Lillian turns her head to look back over her shoulder and Trent shook his head knowing his friend is stupid for talking back to the one they are sworn to serve.

"M-Master I'll serve my punishment and I will not look or speak to your mate for now on and only serve you" Trent said not caring at all that Mila is no longer his wife, he is lucky just to have his life so he could care less about others or material things and he will make a heavenly oath to be struck down by the divine lightning just to help make sure of his survival.

" well I know what you're thinking Trent and yes that oath will be a starting point, so get to that and you still have to take all of your punishment too" Lillian said as Trent nods in agreement while Ryan spits toward Lillian, Trents face turns red with anger seeing him disrespect their master like this.

" Ryan you dare...I see where your son gets his stupidity from and you shall regret this fully" Trent said with anger at his friend, their lives are at stake and this man thinks his status is still something that will save him. The man is seriously mistaken and dubious of their situation, he has sealed his fate already and the next sentence has made it sooner than later.

" I'll have every man in town have their turn with them for being disloyal !!!" Ryan shouted while pointing his finger through the cell at Lillian, her eyes turned a darker red. No one saw Lillian move when a ear piercing scream broke out with blood spraying and Ryan's arm was gone from the elbow down. Lillian stood in front of him with a evil grin on her face while humming, she kicks the arm down the hallway while giggling.

" well I think I'll take a piece from you everyday and not just physically either since I'd run out to early...Even your soul can be torn to pieces and that's going to happen as well, I hope your will wisen up with seeing how stupid his father is but I dought that" Lillian said walking away from the cells, she stops at the guards and then looks back at Trent.

" feed Trent...starve the other two and only give them a drink of water every three days, if Trent gives them any of his portions then do him the same way. Keep them alive no matter what and start Trents punishment of taking a hundred lashes today after he makes a heavenly oath he spoke of " Lillian said, she leaves the dungeon making her way toward the garden to calm herself down, it took everything in her to not rip him to shreds when he provoked her.

Alazar walks over where Lillian was standing, She walks beside her then looks at Lillian with a questioning gaze.

" what's wrong sweetness " Lillian said intertwining their hands, Alazars corners of her lips turned up before going neutral again. Lillian swings their arms while turning her head back looking at the cherry blossom trees, she needs to go back to her other mates to make sure their fine and she misses them.

" well pack some clothes and a couple spell books that Ami gave you to learn for the trip, we'll take a carriage together so all four of us can spend some time together" Lillian said while the two had different thoughts of the meaning behind spending time together.