Chapter 143

The four of them were now in the carriage with 500 soldiers from Ami to watch over Lillian while Mila and Ami ran the town while Lillian and the others were on their way to the city of light.

They've already been traveling for twelve hours taking small breaks here and there, the guard captain found a small lake to where they can set up a camp to rest the horses and men for the night. One huge tent was set up that was special so the inside was four times bigger on the inside than out, once the soldiers set up their tent and the campsite they started setting up their own.

Lillian walks over to Amami pulling her over to the bed while the other two was cooking their meal before the soldiers start on theirs, Amami was staring up into Lillians eyes.

Lillian already undone Amamis sash to the robe she's wearing and she opens it wide open revealing her undergarments, a smile spreads across Lillians face as she starts kissing Amami deeply.

" take them off " Lillian said raising up then stripping off her own clothes as Amami pulls them off quickly looking at Lillians human form, she wants to have a taste of her. Amami walks over to Lillian then pushes her down on the bed.

" I'm not sure of how good I'll be but I'm a quick learner" Amami said straddling Her and kissing her passionately then kissing her way down to Lillians chest taking special care of Lillians breast and nipples with her mouth and hands.

Amami kisses her way down her stomach then slides her tongue up through Lillians folds to her clit as she takes her tongue flickering across her clit and changing from licking to sucking.

" hash ahhh" Lillian gasps out while arching her back, Amami slides her fingers to Lillians entrance pushing two of her fingers inside of her while still focusing on what her mouth is doing while she thrusts her fingers in and out of her.

" AHHH HAAH OHHH YES AHHNNN" Lillian moans out while holding onto Amamis hair, while grinding into Amamis face. A smile on Lillians face as she hits a even bigger climax while a smile is plastered on her face, Amami was over the roof as she feels Lillian tightening her walls around Amamis fingers again and this time even tighter then before.

" Aaahhhh HAAH MHMM OHHH HAAH AHHNNN" Lillian moans out again, as she clamps her legs closed around Amamis head and she licks all of Lillians juices from her and then she licks her fingers clean.

Lillian pulls her up for a passionate kiss, they heard stomping of feet come from outside the tent as Nae and Alazar runs inside with desperate faces.

" Lillian there are herds of beast running this way " Nae said looking at her naked lover holding her sister, Nae gives Amami a small smile and nods her head to let her know she is ok about their situation now.

" Amami get dressed and you three stay here while I handle this mess " Lillian said kissing Amami then Nae passionately, she pulls Alazar in for a deep kiss as well and when she pulls away from her the girl grabs her hand.

" Lillian let me come with you to help " Alazar said with a pleading look on her face, Lillian looks down to the ground then back at the other two girls.

" fine but stay with me and if I need you to keep eyes from the air that is all you do " Lillian said then exits the tent with Alazar behind her, she walks to where the guards are lined up with shields and weapons raised. Lillian seen thousands upon thousands of a four legged reptilian creatures of different sizes heading this way, she speaks a spell as the winds pick up and lightning hits the ground on or near the beast to try to get them on a different route when a glint of light caught her eyes.

" someone is pushing them straight into us...set up some barriers all around us not just the front or sides, they might plan on attacking from the back and take half the men to the back. let's spread them out to the sides as well, Alazar give me eyes in the sky" Lillian said as she uses a earth spell to make walls diverting the beast in a different direction.

Alazar was in the sky and transmitted everything she seen telepathically to Lillian of what she has seen, there was people who were hiding on the other side of the beasts. Only a large male was standing out in the open when a net made from electricity was thrown up at the catching them while zapping them unconscious. Lillians facial features changed to a menacing look as she surrounds the camp with a three tier dome to keep the beast out and anyone else while she changes to her demon form taking flight.

The man grabbed the crows that morphed back to a now naked Alazar that was unconscious on the man's shoulder as he speeds away with twenty others following behind him.

Lillian passes the others who was slower than the large man, she shoots lightning arcs down incapacitating over ten of the men and she seen the man jump down a whirlpool of sand that engulfed all of them. Lillian speeds up even tearing her wings at this speed, she dives into the sand before it goes back to normal and then she hits a underground passage breaking her arm and wing.

" fuck " Lillian curses as she pops her wing and arm back then heals them as she moves both, the passage was almost completely black besides some florescent mushrooms and tiny creatures that gave off some small light.

Lillian turns her head hearing some foot steps to the left of the passage and she stands up making her way down the passage with her two daggers in her hands. Lillian quickly made her way following their footsteps as she shadow steps to where she is directly behind them. Only eight and the large male made it out of the group of twenty, one of the men who was a few feet behind the large male was talking.

" I don't know what you were thinking of taking this girl we were suppose to just get their supplies, that demon took out twelve of our brothers and I dought she'll stop looking for her" he said with a scared voice as they kept up with their leaders pace, he turns then sneers at the man who flinched.

" I seen her and I want her is all that matters to me, they should have been stronger than that filthy demon" the leader said with disdain evident in his voice, Alazars eyes flutter open and her hands glow bright red as she grabs his head and smoke rises from it.

He shouts out then throws Alazar down on the ground then kicks her several feet past the others who dodged her and the man was pouring water on his face.

" bring her to me " he shouted when two men walk towards her, Lillian appeared between them stabbing her daggers upwards piercing their heads from under their chins. The rest of the group was surprised at seeing the demon appear as two of their group falls down dead, it took a few seconds for their minds to come to terms of what happened when the leader shoves them forward.

" get her " the leader shouted at them while pulling out a short sword, he follows behind the men he shoved forward as Lillian blocks their weapons and slices through three of the mens tendons bringing them down to the ground as she dunks under a sword swinging at her and gets stuck inside the wall of the passage. He lets go of the sword to deliver a powerful back hand that knocks Lillian back a couple feet when she feels Alazar grab her wrist pulling her away from them. Alazar is running with Lillian behind her when they blindly run down one of the three tunnels, Lillian pulls Alazar in her arms then shadow steps ahead putting distance between the men who are following them.

" are you ok " Lillian said looking her body over for any wounds, she pulls her into a hug and is thankful she made it to her in time since these men were planning on having their way with her.

Lillian looks up at the tunnel wall as she takes her wing extending it upwards hitting the top, she knows they've been going east but also going down deeper in the earth.

" it's to thick here it would take a while to blast our way upward and if that's the case it would be better to kill them first....the only thing about that is we don't know how powerful the leader is or if they have more people down here and the noise will lead them straight to us." Lillian said snapping her fingers making a flame appear that flickers the way their going.

" well let's keep going, we need to find a exit or head to a tunnel that goes upward then it would be easier to blast us out " Lillian said noticing Alazar is quiet and hasn't spoken to her since she caught up with her, she pulls Alazar into a hug and she pushes Lillian away shaking her head.

" baby come here...what's wrong have they hurt you " Lillian said forcing Alazar to look at her, when she looks into Alazars eyes and her heart breaks seeing her like this.

" I see the dry blood on your arm and wing, if I didn't get caught then you wouldn't have been hurt. When I heard them talk about you... I lost my temper and I'm sorry I'm sorry " Alazar said showing a side of her that no one has seen, Lillian kisses her forehead then cheeks and then her lips.

" I hurt myself and we both didn't expect them to go after your crow forms, we will get out of this and we can have a little adventure alone together " Lillian said calming Alazar down, she looks at Lillian.

" when I seen the name Alazar it seemed familiar to me, especially the Zar part...Now that I think about it the name Zara has been flashing in my mind since we been down here and I think that is my will you call me that name for now on " Zara said as she hugs Lillian tightly, something about this place has brought some memories back to her and what flashes in her mind she doesn't like.

Lillian nods her head then picks Zara up in a princess carry as she shadow jumps going further down the tunnel for nearly an hour, if they were to walk then it would have been double the time or more.