Chapter 166

Sue has a face that would resemble a tomato, she is stuck between the blonde beauty and then her beautiful friend from child hood.

" it's ok Sue we don't have to take the next step" May said kissing the girls forehead, as the blue light brightens even more and Setinia kisses Sue's neck gently then whispers in her ear.

" Sue she needs this to be able to survive whatever that thing that controls this place, I can't control my essence like you do since that one incident" Setinia whispered where May could only catch the ending, When she was about to put a stop to this and Sue does first.

" Setinia I can't do anything with you over my shoulder...I need privacy at least for a few minutes then you can come in" Sue said walking over to the smallest tunnel entrance that led to the sparkling water hole and Pulling May behind her, Setinia smiles softly at their retreating backs then looks up at the small village parts that can be seen through the large tunnel above them.

Drea has some of the women standing guard around their main camp as May set up formations in and around the fish men's cave.

Setinia watches the younger girl who sits there not moving and eyes set on the ground, she couldn't feel any of the Aura she felt before from the girl and notices how doting Drea is over her.

(" I'll have to have a private chat with Drea about all of this") Setinia said leaning against the wall where May and Sue entered.

May slides down in the water welcoming the warm heat from it, she watches Sue stand there covering herself with her hands Causing May to chuckle.

" you know I've seen all of you naked when I first seen you and now you all cover your bodies up" May said with humor as the girl huffs in annoyance sliding in sitting down beside May.

Sue kept cursing herself for not taking the first step, everyone else would go for the one they liked to be with before someone else would have them first. Setinia was made to give up her innocence a long time ago and Sue still feels guilty about her having to do so, he was going to take Sue and her best friend made a deal.

May slides her arm around Sue's waist and gently rubbed her sides, Sue could feel how wet and hot she is between her thighs.

Sue looks at May with a soft look that changes into a lustful look when she lays her hand over Mays lap, it was like her sprite self wants to take over and mate.

Sue leans in kissing May, it was clumsy and messy at first but then it got better the longer they kissed and Sue has her body now pressed to Mays side.

May picks Sue up putting her on top of her lap and the girl felt a warm and hard member laying against her core.

(" ehhh... when I feel how big it is I just get scared, is it going to hurt") Sue-Lu thought as she nervously places her hands on Mays shoulder and moves a little bit to position herself, when she does she feels it rubbing against her. A moan almost left her mouth but she bit down on her lip to keep it in, she wants to feel it again so she moves her hips and gets the friction she was looking for. May grabs Sue's hips keeping her from sneaking grinds in, she then starts bucking her hips letting her members head rub against Sue's bundle of nerves.

" Ohh Ahh haah" Sue moans out while she Half hazardly grinds as well, her breathing is now faster than what it was and her pink flush on her cheeks turned May on even more. The blue light was back pulsating small blasts of essence out, that was flashing against all of the diamonds in the water and cave wall making it like a light show.

May was excited to make love with Sue since she is innocent in this situation, but acts like a tough one for all the others to see and May likes the innocent Sue very much.

Sue felt the head slide down to her entrance while she was grinding, she slid her hand down holding the shaft to position herself to lower on it and when she took the head in she hissed in pain.

May didn't want the girl to do it she wanted to do she stood up with Sue on her lap sitting her butt on the edge of the water hole that was made of smooth glass like rocks. May gently pushes in further as the girl digs her nails into her shoulders and she felt the thin hymen as she pushes harder breaking it causing a pain and pleasure moan to escape Sue. They sat there holding each other and May was kissing Sue passionately as she started going in and out slowly, the girl was gasping with her mouth wide open and the light she was emanating with faster bursts.

May wants to be as gentle as she can as she places soft kisses on her neck then caresses her breast as she slowly thrusts into Sue, the girls flushed faces and low moans turned May on even more.

" AHHH HAAH OHHH hnnnnng" Sue moans out as she clamps her legs tighter around May, they kiss passionately into Sues moans and lets out a moan as well while she thrusts faster and harder into her.

Sue felt a warm liquid fill her insides, she tightened her arms around Mays neck panting harder than before. May pulls out from her and pulls her into the pool of water with a yelp leaving the younger one before she was submerged into the water.

May laughed at Sue when she came up to the surface glaring at May, the other pulls Sue closer to her and places a tender kiss on her lips. The water and the essence has made May feel better than ever, she takes her thumb rubbing her bottom lip.

" did I hurt you earlier" May asked holding Sue to her chest, the girl shakes her head no then smiles softly at May and the girl has physically and used her soul Essence on May when they made love.

Setinia walks inside the cavern watching Sue being held by May and she had to admit that Sue had a natural glow on her face, Setinia walks over then steps down into the pool of water and hugs May from behind.

" did you enjoy yourselves" Setinia said as she kisses Mays shoulder then wraps her hands around her stomach, Sue separates from Mays hold to only be pulled back by her.

" yes actually we did and I feel so good, I'd love to take this pool of water with me" May said receiving a laugh from the other two, she smiles shyly as Setinia was ge tly rubbing her stomach.

" well it's actually all of these gems and diamonds inside of this ore which is a high heavenly grade, I guess before you go maybe we can mine some of it so you can build a pool at your place" Sue said with a small smile as May nods her head, then May pulls Setinia to her front kissing her passionately.

Setinia smiles into the kiss as she snakes her arm around , they relax more then they get out and May throws two silk robes one purple and one red for the girls to wea.

Sue made a face at May while Setinia understands that May is showing jealousy and dominance about the two already, Setinia put hers on them helped Sue with hers. They walk over to greet Drea who looks like she hasn't slept this year, amay watches their surroundings and she feels as if she's being watched. Immortals are not suppose to come and take advantage of the lower races, that's been the law since they almost wiped out the angels, demons and other Fae races.

Mayliana expands her Aura taking in every nook and cranny in this monoliths domain, she narrows her eyes on a building that is shaped like a clam.

May turns to Setinia who looks where May looked then nods her head, both girls have a innocent smile on their faces and both thinking the same thing of how good their working together.

The group of five that head Drea and the smaller girl going with Mays group, Selina keeps her eyes open looking for anything out of place while the other sprites clear the area going into their homes. A ominous feeling is all they could feel being a hundred percent on their toes, May glances at the sprites who are in their human form since no water was now present in there town. Setinia holds Mays hand and Sues while walking looking from one shadow to the next and May knows exactly what the sprite is looking for. Shadow jumping May thought to herself as she grips the sword hilt, May withdraws her Aura giving them a better chance on a surprise attack and she knows now they could Sense her then they had to be in the soul realm.

Mayliana stops walking looking at a few shops that had their doors wide open with no one inside, Mayliana clicks her tongue then pulls both Women back as three Barriers engulf each Sue, Setinia which had Drea in one with her when she fell back into the woman. The smaller girl was now stuck in a barrier by herself, May smirked at the girl then takes a few steps forward to where a group of black magic straifers. They are made by anger, hate, sadness and emptiness, they can sifen their surroundings to use which takes a few days to get it at a level to be of use and if it's rushed without a abundant source will be weak.

Only someone's who holds alot of these emotions can quickly set one up and if it's strong enough than this person could be broken or rotten to the core. Mayliana watches while three swing their swords down while having May surrounded by the three. May mirked while twirling her blade that had skulls that looked real on the blade and the blade was twelve inches, the handle was made from wood of the devil tree. The wood would be almost indestructible one of the strongest material in all domains, it holds all of the emotions and more to set up shadow people stronger than most others.

The dagger will also grow thorns if someone steals or forcefully takes it from it's master large thorns will pierce through them leaving them to die a painful horrible death.

Maylianas sister had that done so no one would get away with the blade, almost everyone doesn't know about this fact and will always want to have and hold this dagger like it calls the dark art users who have any negative emotions the more they have the stronger they are.

May shadow jumps three times popping up beside them or behind driving her blade into their weak spot the left eye, some people would not know this unless they were taught or an accidental hit. Zara has drilled every beast, creature or Fae into Maylianas head, even weapons, different arts, even at the age five she was doing things that children who were sixteen was studying and practicing.

May looks around picking up a black marble looking core from where she killed those things, when she collected them the Aura got angrier and May smirks about it then looks left and when she's walking she bends backward avoiding an arrow trap that shot out twelve arrows in between the buildings.

" you guys stay here, when I stop all of the traps and pop ups then I'll come back" May said jogging ahead, Setinia watches her as far as she could see until May disappears behind a few buildings that looks like large Corals.

Setinia tried to get out of the big ball she was in and trips falling against the side making it roll down the street, Sue rolled her eyes then sat down as she shakes her head no watching Setinia roll into a building then bouncing back going Past Sue who turns her head watching the ball fly into some bushes and a large groan. Drea and Sue start laughing at her.

" Setinia are you ok " Sue said as she heard her friend sigh loudly and lets out a couple of grunts trying to get the ball to move again.

May walks ahead collecting alot of streifers cores making her way to the Main building, Mayliana starts running and jumping up the clam building and punches her way inside landing on white marble in a large room that has a 10×10 monolith with floor cushions around it. May glanced at the number of cushions that has to be a hundred of, May walks forward reading the monolith that actually is a just a bunch of immortals words from their language.

" you can come out now" May said unsheathing her sword and holds her shadow dagger, while glancing around the room when she felt vibrations on the floor as the monoliths side opens up.

Mayliana seen the man walking through and was wearing everything Gold matching his golden dark blue eyes that held no shimmer as he slowly approached Mayliana and recognized her immediately since the sisters are of certain traits.

" why is an immortal trucking sprites and others into slavery" May hisses out gripping her weapons right, the man's facial features never change or shows any emotion only hate was showing in his blue eyes.

" I'm no longer of that Realm, I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone" The man said while he clasps his hands behind his back walking around May as if he is checking her out, when he stops May was already facing him.

" let them all go, keep the creatures except for the egg in your Treasury for me completing these trials and destroy the monolith" Mayliana said with a serious expression looking over his shoulder to a large well decorated room inside of the monolith with over two dozen women who was sitting here and there on cushions in the floor.

The man swings a straight punch toward Mays chest to which she side stepped and stopped his punch by squeezing three fingers on his wrist, his eyes go big and is tossed across the room into the monoliths entrance smacking into the wall inside, May steps inside seeing a blue sky in the sky there is no ceiling only walls with several floors below them.

The women strayed running and then gathering close to the door, May grips her sword tight then pulls lightning to her hand that was colored red and the red lightning was arcing from it's Tip.

" go now try to lead as many of the ones outside to the fighting rink " May said as she did a spell sign in the air and a large gush of wind was now moving the three balls that had the four sprites inside down the road out of the top cavern entrance rolling close to the small tunnel that leads to the sparkling water hole.