Chapter 167

The sprites that were still in their homes felt the strong vibrations and the whole town shaking to where all of them fled outside where the ones from the creatures cave were. Some was happy seeing a old friend or family member some even seeing their mates.

The blonde headed man punches the marble floor with his fist several times making the floor crumble as they fell down to the next floor, where two large black weapons were hanging on the wall. Gold Armor started covering his body as his helmet that had two long Bull horns on top, he reaches for a black blades whip chain that clattered against the marble floor and cracking the marble floor as the other one was single blade Axe with a long shaft almost half of the man who was 6'6" in height.

Mayliana eyes go wide when she sees his weapons, then something below them caught her attention and pulls out a bright silver spear and the only one of it's kind made from the highest grade heavenly might Ore. The man smirks at the woman then strikes a shot forward with his whip that was there in a blink of the eye, May pulhes the whip away from her with the spear almost jerking the whip from his hand.

The man glares at her while walking back and forth thirty feet in front of her, he spins the whip around above his head and rune symbols appear in front of the man three in the row from big to small aimed at May.

The whip shoots out above May slapping down one after another ten times breaking through the floor and dust rising and filling the room, the man is listening for any movement as the dust is thick in the air.

The man tilts his head in confusion when he seen the woman no where in front of him, he stomps over to the hole that his whip done and below was Mayliana stuffing her storage rings with treasures and finds four more eggs.

When the man slams his Axe down as he comes straight down landing on his feet, May was loading up formation books, domain spells, poison recipes and hundreds of others.

She loaded stuffed a third of the treasure in her two storage rings while facing him she then looks down by her foot seeing. flutes made from a heavenly star Dragons horn, May picked that up to then stores it as she runs spinning her spear dodging and jumping every hit he threw at her with his whip.

May does a difficult spin while also spinning her spear before she does a ten thrusts with her spear only Landing six out of ten strikes while the man in gold was pushed back three steps by the hits. May holds her arm out with the spear pointing the tip down at the large mounds of treasures she was standing on drawing rune signs with one hand as all the gold, jewels and other items started moving like a wave crashing down the door as it rushes out to where all the sprites are Setinia has them all store each of their rings with things as Setinia and Sue took a part of the highest treasures they found.

Setinia kept staring up at the building while pacing back and forth, Since the fight happened the girl has been out cold while Drea is worried sick, this girl has to be someone important to Drea.

Setinia scoffs shaking her head as she starts walking up the wide tunnel to go to where May is to make sure she was alright, Sue chases after her.

" Setinia we don't need her to have to look after us, she could get hurt" Sue said pulling on Setinias hand, the girl glances back at the building and shakes her head.

" no I have to make sure she lives, not only for all of us but because I want to give her my Essence and be with her....I can't lose her Sue " Setinia said making her way inside the cavern, Sue sighs then follows after her holding one hand on her stomach with a small smile.

May would get three hits in with him getting one in their exchange, May narrowed her eyes at the man and sees boredom on his face like he's not putting his all into this fight.

(" what is he waiting on, so I can react with my own") May thought not wanting to lose any surprise attack she can get in, She stabs the spear in the floor as a ringing noise resonated through the domain.

May pulls her sword out that has the red lightning Arcing around and out of the blade, she gets in a stance waiting for the man to attack she notices how his eyes keep glancing above him at the hole in the floor and she does the same thing now while glancing at the other entrances to this floor.

The blue sky above them started to turn dark, grey clouds and green lightning was striking down on the mess of floors above them.

" go your way leave with what treasures you've chosen, but leave" the man said coldly but calmly and May looks at him with a serious expression, I won't leave these women for a man to do what he wants without consent or using fear to control them. The man chuckles at Maylianas statement, he raises both arms in the air laughing hysterically.

" I'm a god even to the angels and demons, none of them stronger unless fate makes a chosen one and that should be soon at least the next five hundred years. I'm a god here and I alone judge these people or helping them with money or power....Everyone has their price sister." The man said with smiling eyes, the smile on his face morphed the man making him look more like a demon and you could tell his face muscles was not use to this.

May smiles coldly at the man stepping closer to him while laying her blade on her shoulder and gives the man a smug look then sneers.

" you are no god...if their is a god from our domain then the people would be looking at the pure blood beings of that Realm and that would be me and my sister. The man's eyes go wide and instantly gets blood shot at what May just said to him as green lightning was striking all around them hitting different spots on each broken floor. May observed his lightning as she wasn't even looking at the man who was swinging his whip with more strength than he did before as May dodges and blocks each strike without even looking once.

May flips back to where her spear is stuck in the ground she grabs the shaft as a yellow light started growing larger and larger as Mays hair flutters from the strength of the light coming from her body. The spear started growing a bright yellow as well, the man felt her Aura explode pushing him back twenty steps and the yellow light went to a brighter white as a wide white lightning Arc shoots from the spear to the sky as the white lightning crackles spreading thousands of smaller electrical Arc's while Lightning hit places around them blowing the man a few dozen feet into a wall.

Maylianas white lightning was taking over the man's green as if washing it away, Mayliana pulls her hand away from the spear as the bright flashes was flashing every one to three seconds.

Setinia was standing with Sue in the main room with the monolith, she grimaced seeing this room again but walks ahead seeing bright flashes coming from a portal in the monolith when they get to the entrance they notice the floor had a huge whole leading down to the next one that had a smaller hole and that's when she sees the man in the last floor glancing up at her with a menacing look on his face. Setinia pulls back quickly while pulling Sue away from the monolith as well, they both stared at the entrance like it was about to come to life, The man went to flee by jumping to the portal disengaging it and she knew he was planning something which was for the two girls to check on May. Right when he jumped up a large Arc of white lightning hits him and knocking him into the floor as his body shakes from all the lightning surges through his body making him foam in his mouth. Large strikes were coming down on these floors striking holes in them as it's destroying this domain, while another scenery was being made in the back ground since she took over this domain, a living space that had brick and forest mixing together with beautiful waterfalls and ponds. Flowers were blooming everywhere while cherry, Plum and peach blossom trees that are blowing petals in the wind as the clear sky that had the colors of pink and purple.

The man sneers as his gold and marble castle rooms we're destroyed and now being erased, he swings the axe horizontally at May as he brought the whip straight down on top of her cutting across her shoulder and the back of her neck leaving a gash.

The man laughed while swinging at her feet then quickly stopping then bringing the back of the Axe up to clip Mays chin, She sees him getting excited to be the strongest and also being the only one that has a word in anything.8

Mayliana lets him get some hits in, she doesn't block or fight back for a little while and the man looked more fatigued. He walks straight over to May then back hands her while panting slightly getting fool of himself, he stares at May who is standing there staring at him with a calm expression.

The man knows the two girls are up there and as soon as he weakens her he'll go for the two girls, The Axe started to glow with a green light that was shining through cracks of the black axe and the man smiled at May who only shrugged at the man that sent him maki++;9 kB of lng a face that twisted the man's heavenly face into one that was worse than a demon when he scowled at her pointing his axe at her, she tilts her head only paying attention to the axe and now the whip that does the same thing as the Axe is with the green light.

(" I think those two would be good with the help of these weapons, I'll wear him down so I don't ruin these weapons on accident.") May thought while smiling at the man not even realizing she's doing so after thinking about these two women she finds fascinating and beautiful, a attraction she couldn't ignore.

The mans speed picks up making him seventy percent faster and stronger than he was before while he hit her over and over and her only delicately blocking with her bracers on both her forearms.

A plant that looked like a giant panther came out from his whip prowling around looking at May like she was it's next Prey, she also knew out of the two Setinia would be more like a angry kitten. A wolf came out out with green lightning running through certain designs on his fur, you could feel the power from both of these weapons cores.

Every swipe of claw or bite with their jaws she narrowly misses getting maned by the weapons hosts.

Mayliana appears before the blonde haired man kicking him in his chest sending him flying into a pillar while the weapons hosts has slowed down their attacks while panting.

May picks up both the weapons as her hands started to glow a bright yellow and the animals disappear inside the weapons that won't respond to the man anymore and she puts both weapons inside her storage while walking over grabbing him by the collar then slamming him into the ground several times.

He started coughing up blood as May made a disgusted face at the Man who was now passed out, she opens a portal throwing the man in with a note that flutters down on him when the portal closes.

Zara walks over picking the note up then she picks the man up by his throat throwing him into a wall that he went through landing on the other side, he scurries to his feet trying to limp away.

" you try to kill my sister and you took slaves of other women from the middle domain" Zara's voice boomed as the man continues limping down the hall to where he was cut off by Janelle.

" oh Zara look it's your favorite cousin from years ago" Janelle said as she pulls out a small dagger slicing the man's face that instantly makes the flesh rot around the wound.

" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FACE" the man screams out holding his face as Janelle laughs at him, he felt a cold hand wrap around the back of his neck slamming him into a nearby pillar and holds him there.

Janelle laughs as she spins around taking her dagger across his hand causing him to hiss out in pain as the wound starts rotting around that cut as well.

" Guards take him to a cell with someone on him at all times" Zara said throwing him over to the two guards who gag and drag him away.