Chapter 168

Mayliana steps out looking for the two sprites who are looking for her as well, when they enter the door on the monolith their eyes go wide with the beautiful scene that May made.

" ok let Drea know to enter with the other sprites, I'm going to take this domain to the city of light to set up near a mountain where none of this will look out of place" May said as she told Drea and the others her plan to where they'll be inside the barrier that they have the cottage in and that it was near the city of light which many was scared while others excited that they'd get to live normally for now on.

A bright light came from the monolith, DeAndre had her sword drawn when she seen May walk out with two beautiful women who she grumbled at walking past them and Rena smiles extending her hand to them both.

" don't mind her you'll get used to it, I have at least" Rena said as she kept stealing glances at May who was being kissed by DeAndre like she's been gone for over a year.

Amelia walks up then lays her forehead against Mays chest with tears in her eyes, she looks over at the two sprites who watched them as well.

May looks at A.i. then walks over to Rena getting a green egg that looked like vines were it's she'll, she then pulled out a pink one and a purple one with black designs on the shell.

" ok now all of you have a heavenly beast so Rena will tell you a few things that you'll need to know about getting them to hatch" Mayliana said as Setinia walks over to her and pulls her hand making her follow after Setinia who had them behind a few bushes as she kisses May Passionately while a faint glow could be seen, May felt her Aura reaching out to Setinia who moans feeling Mays Aura wash over her body.

" May I was scared before but I'm wanting to make love to you the right way that a sprite should" Setinia said as May pins her against a tree kissing her lips all the way down to her shoulders pulling open the top part of the robe showing her breast that was now in Mays hands as she pushes her leg in between Setinias legs as the woman started grinding on her leg.

Setinia quickly takes her hands undoing Mays pants pulling out her member lining it up with her entrance as May pushes inside of her earning a loud moan from Setinia whose light was getting brighter with each thrust. May felt Setinias essence filling her up and she picks Setinia up wrapping her legs around Mays waist while moaning out and bucking in Rhythm with May.

" OHH I'm HAAH AHHNNN OHHHHH" Setinia moans out as she pants when she feels May release inside of her a smile was now on her face as they kissed, they quickly clean up then gets dressed coming back to the group who was putting their essence in their eggs.

A.i.s egg started to shake and then it stops as she pouts her lips side hugging May who giggles at her, Renas egg had flowers bloom all over the shell as she clapped in happiness.

Amelia's egg had no change except it's temperature was high, DeAndres egg now looked like a darker red color as they stored the eggs then started to lead the horses away that was now pulling a 4 foot monolith on a cart they just put together As A.i had Sue on the back of Mays horse while May walked ahead with Setinia who was glancing around the forest as they traveled to a nearby farm which had a few work horses. May walks over with a small bag of gold coins that were thicker than normal ones so the value of each coin in her back was of twenty smaller gold coins that were used more around the outskirts.

Mayliana talks to a middle aged couple who kept shaking their heads trying to hand May back the coins saying even one was to much for these horses, DeAndre walks over with another bag then drops it by their feet that had both gold, silver and copper.

" take it we have plenty and use this to move away from this border, here settle in this is the deed to the farm land maybe in the future you'll help us out like we are doing for you now" DeAndre said as the woman smiles at her then hugs her tight.

" ok ok go get ready take whats important to you, we'll stay here for a couple of weeks to finish a couple of missions...if that's alright" DeAndre said to the couple as they nod their head with a smile, the man quickly gets on his horse to ride to town to get a couple carriages and fresh horses for their benefactors also for themselves to haul their family in to a new farm house that had plenty of good soil.

Mayliana grabs a hand full of dirt that looked more to her like sand, she looks around noticing nothing is growing in any of these farm lands and she always heard great stories about these local farm hands so what was causing their crops to fail.

Mayliana walks over to the woman who was packing their kids items and stops then smiles up at May.

" what has happened to this land that would always yield the best harvests...I want to figure this out but I also want to hire all of your neighbors who you deem trustworthy and they'll all receive gold to buy new lots in the areas around yours. I also want you to purchase all the land you can with all the farm animals all of you can handle, look to hire a beast tamer to start with familiars and I'll send some that's already trained to you all " May said giving the woman a spacial ring that held a lot of gold inside of it, she smiles warmly at May then pulls her into a hug.

" none of us will ever forget what you have done, I'll go now telling the others and send a few more out to town with the money to get more carriages" Daphne said quickly climbing up on her horse stopping at each farm house giving them a copy of the map and a bag of gold with directions from their savior. They all agreed to go while Mayliana and the others set up in the house they first came to, she notices that Amelia is standing out back not really talking that much to her and she walks out to find out what she's up to.

" Amelia is everything ok " May asked standing behind Amelia who leans back on her then hums a yes to her while staring at the setting sun, a movement in the forest caught both of their attention as the trees started to sway more and more.

" let's get everyone inside Daphne and the others took the monolith to where I told them so they'll be safer with them than us" May said as she keeps her eyes on the tree line as a heavy wind started to blow around the area.

" come on a storms coming let's get the wood up on the windows and some extra logs...I like doing things the old fashion way if not we'd already be bored" May said as Amelia rolled her eyes at her which caused May to sling the woman over one of her shoulders rushing inside the house to see DeAndre already taking the wood covers outside putting them up while Setinia and Sue was cooking with Rena bringing in extra fire wood. Amelia was feeling insecure and hurt that she hasn't gotten to fully take May yet and two more has.

Amelia walks off to one of the bedrooms as she changes the beds and she starts cleaning the rooms, she chose the room that had only a twin size bed inside for her own room while the other one can hold the two sprites and maybe even A.i. could sleep with them while the other three take the other bed.

May was standing against the door frame watching Amelia and when she turns around she jumps when she seen May watching her, she quickly glance away from May making the woman grimace at her looking Away. Mayliana tackles Amelia on the bed then pinning her down staring in her eyes, the woman smiles up at May who is still searching for something in her eyes that made her feel uneasy.

" babe I'm just getting out rooms finished so we can rest early" Amelia said rolling them both over where she was now straddling May, she could tell that May was worked up by the hardness she feels under her.

(' if she goes out like this then one of them will please her when it was meant for me') Amelia thought to herself as she grinds against May who let's out a moan before pulling Amelia down for a passionate kiss, Amelia's hands slides under her then inside of Mays pants.

" A-Amelia we don't have to —" May was speaking when Amelia covers her mouth up with her free hand, she smiles softly then kisses her lips then neck while she gently strokes May.

" I love you Mayliana I hate that we need to wait, I want to feel what every one else is and I want you to make love to me right now....but I also know we can't right now not until the time is right" Amelia said sliding down to the floor on her knees in between Mays legs, she feels Amelia's mouth close around her head as she takes May all the way to her hilt hitting the back of her throat. May gently grabs Amelia's head that is now bobbing back and forth while she rests her hands on Mays legs, Mayliana starts moaning while she reaches down playing with Amelia's breast making her moan and sending the vibrations to May who twitched when she felt them. May releases inside of Amelia's mouth as the girl licked her clean then climbs back on Mays lap being held and kissed while being petted by the person she loves.

Rena knocks on the door then enters seeing Amelia smiling laying on top of Mays chest, the woman chuckles shaking her head then lays down beside the two holding Amelia's hand while May puts her arm under Renas head.

DeAndre comes inside the room followed by A.i and the others, pretty soon they heard the leg on the bed break when DeAndre jumps on top of it slamming her body across all the giggling girls while the beds leg breaks making them fall or slide on the floor laughing.

They all had a stew that night while cuddling up on a big fur rug on the floor with May in the middle while each girl lays on a part of her body.

" it feels like the storm is going to blow the house away, it's not common for a storm this size especially during this season " Rena said kissing May on her lips while walking over peaking through a look hole of the boarded up window and she screams when she seen white eyes staring inside. May runs over seeing someone running away back into the forest, They all looked at May then to each other as they shivered.

" nope don't want to know and don't you dare say that your going out....nope to creepy and put up a damn barrier " DeAndre said as she starts putting the clean plates away while the others just kept their eyes on her without saying a word.

" I said no for once why don't you all listen to me, what if it's a trap or worse it just could be faye mind-blowing us when we have a peaceful night where I was planning on getting some for the well made dinner all of you are" DeAndre keeps talking out while Rena rolled her eyes when she heard about dinner and the others plan which wasn't a bad idea.

" Rena don't you agree just for tonight with us three" DeAndre said when she notices that Rena might have had the same thought, she just wanted to spend time with them all tonight.

Rena smiles at DeAndre then looks at the cozy room with the fire place, she then walks over helping DeAndre finish with the dishes and pulls out a apple pie with a smile.

" I say that I do agree with DeAndre about this we can just check tomorrow" Rena said as she fights off the same shiver that DeAndre had, she doesn't want any of them to step outside for some reason.

Rena sees a bunch of stacked jars with a note in front of them, Rena glances at the others while May looked over at her.

" what did you find Rena" Tai asked getting up from her seat walking over seeing fruit and vegetables that were in the jars and opens up the pickles eating a couple while Rena kept furrowing and unfurrowing her brows. Rena quickly walks over putting a big block of wood that was made to keep things from coming in the front door. Rena glances seeing more wood that will lock the wood on the windows in place.

" quickly lock them all" Rena said running over to another window with DeAndre and May quickly does as she says, Setinia gets up running into the next room with Sue locking them while everyone made rounds around the house.

" Daphne left a note since she would of rushed not being able to leave if she spoke so she left this letter to warn us since they'd be out of danger. Stay in at night when the storm comes those things will try to lead you away, only one person out of the six we fisrt had missing only one came back looking older with white hair and white eyes the person was like a vegetable that disappeared the next day. Use the boards to lock yourself down and keep the fire going, take care benefactors I know that your all sting but I had to leave something to warn you all. see you soon


Rena read the letter off as DeAndre stretches her arms then walks over peering out the hole when she catches something white disappear behind a tree, she crosses her arms then shoves a cork into the peep hole. May sits on the couch while Rena and DeAndre climb onto each leg then leaning back on top of May.

The other girls fell asleep on the couches while May had her eyes closed enjoying the rain and Rena was far from being asleep as was DeAndre as they both stared at the windows across from each other then would glance at one another with wide eyes. They both noticed something white on the windows behind one another and they both think the same thing glancing over at two bottles of wine and they both pop the corks out then put them both the peep holes.

Rena comes back to DeAndre being on Tais lap while she sits down beside them, May kisses them both making DeAndre stand up while she carries the girls into the closet bedroom and Rena makes sure the windows are done tight to where no one can peak at the others.

They go back to the living room where Rena saw May standing in front of the fire place so she walks over hugging her, she smiles at how nice it is to just relax at home with her.

DeAndre comes out wearing a robe that was halfway tied and DeAndre gets behind Rena pressing against her to kiss May while she tested her hands on Renas hips making the girl go wide eyed.

DeAndre starts to sway behind Rena and using her hands to help sway Rena in step with her, Rena could feel May against her front then DeAndre behind her. Renas hands are pressed against Mays stomach while kissing her passionately.

" May help me with this" DeAndre said as she was trying to pull off Renas shirt with the girl now clutching it and glaring back at DeAndre until she feels May pulling on it now so she lets go.

May smiles at her then spins her around to wear Renas back is now against Mays front while May undies her skirt letting it fall to the floor as she kisses down Renas neck then gently biting her shoulder causing a moan to come out as her hand undoes Renas bra throwing it somewhere else.

May pulls open DeAndres robe letting it drop revealing DeAndre naked as May pulls her closer to Rena where their bodies are now pressed together, Rena blushes when DeAndre smiles at her then kisses Renas neck before May takes DeAndres lips in a heated kiss. Rena feels DeAndres hands go around her back undoing Mays pants as she can now feel Mays head poking her butt, DeAndre let's Mays pants fall while May kicks them to the side.

May takes her own shirt off then presses herself against Renas back feeling her shaft slide in between her thighs to where DeAndre could feel the head as she smes reaching down stroking the head as May starts thrusting between Renas thighs letting her tip hit Renas clit making the girl moan out while DeAndre gets on her knees bringing Renas leg over her shoulder while she takes her tongue up Renas slit attacking her bundle of nerves while Renas head snaps back with May Passionately kissing her while caressing her breast and helping hold Rena up under DeAndres expert tongue while she was moaning like crazy.

" Ahh haah OHHHH AHHHHHN" Rena moans loudly while May was holding her up when she hits her climax then she feels May slip inside of her making Rena let out a gutteral moan.

May was sucking on Renas neck while thrusting in and out of her while DeAndre lays down on the carpet watching them while she played with herself, May gets them both down on their knees bending Rena to where she is now on all four.

May grabs DeAndres ankle pulling her in front of Rena who looks at DeAndres glistening wet core as she dives right in taking her tongue against DeAndres bundle of nerves while switching to sucking on it. Rena slides two of her fingers inside of DeAndre while she still going down on her when she hits her climax laying her face against DeAndres core moaning while she still pumped her fingers in and out of DeAndre while May was speeding her thrusts up as all three moan out with Rena being the loudest.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN" Rena moans out while her hips buck as she feels both women get off and she cleans DeAndres off with her tongue while May and her ride out their orgasm with all three panting. Rena lays down while DeAndre staddles May pushing her inside of her while bouncing up and down kissing May Passionately.

" ahhhh haah MMMM May I'm cl—Ahhhhnn" DeAndre moans out as she slaps down fast and hard on May while she squeezes May with her walls tightly causing her to moan out while she releases inside of her.

They both lay down beside Rena pulling a sheet over them with Rena snuggling up to both DeAndre and May, May smiles at seeing the two of them starting to get along and close with each other.

Everyone was asleep when loud banging hit evey window and door at the same time making them all jump up with A.i. being the calmest walking over to the door with the rest staring at her.

" what are you doing " Amelia said pulling A.i back to the others with a warning glare.

" someone was knocking so I was going to tell them it late for home" A.i. said with a serious face causing May to smile then pull A.i. I to a hug making her face turn blood red as she stood still not speaking or moving without Amelia pulling her along with her.

" Setinia stay close to Sue, she was sick this morning" Rena said checking Sues forehead then smiling softly at her.

" she's still May down right here " Amelia said making her a bed on the fur rug in front of the fireplace Setinia walks over sitting down by Sue and puts her hand on Sue's stomach surprising her.

" Setinia....wait" Sue said quickly moving Setinias hand off from her as her face pales, Setinia glances around the room then lowers her head.

" I'm still waiting since the other night but I couldn't connect with her a hundred percent like you did" Setinia said glancing at Sue's stomach then back at the fire place.

" when are you going to tell her " Setinia said causing Sue to sniffle then turns over, she wasn't thinking clear when she decided to do this but she wants to keep the child at any cost.

" I'm not going to, I'm going to have her send me to the others " Sue said getting DeAndres attention as she listened.

" I'm going to wait until all of us get everything together, Amelia has a plan to take over the kingdom....when they finish that I'll let Mayliana know about it while I stay with the other sprites." Sue said with a soft smile as she rubs her stomach May looks over seeing Sue so she walks over ready to reach down rubbing Sue's stomach, When Amelia intervenes helping Sue up and May watched Amelia take Sue in another room and she follows after them.

" Sue maybe you should tell her " Amelia said to Sue while tucking her in and then May came in after Amelia said that surprising them both, Sue Mike's softly whenever she looks at May and that made May happy seeing her smile.