I'm royalty what the f..k! 3

Vic held Liz's hands and kissed them. Thanks Liz, I know it's not easy to disclose before Liz and Vic went to their rooms.

Vic held Liz's hands and kissed them. Thanks Liz, I know it's not easy to disclose our feelings and I was surprised you did that in front of everyone, not to mention my family, Haha!, wow!, you guts lady, Vic said laughing her heart out. Oh, c'mon, Vic, as if you weren't listening to me. I know now that you'll tease me even more and lord everything I said over me. Oh, my God, what have I done, noooo!, Liz now feeling sorry for what she did a while ago. As if this is planned, Vic, did you have anything to do with it?, Liz asked now smiling at her. No way!, besides, maybe my family just wanted to get to know you too.

So don't worry, it's nothing personal. My mom and the rest of women I love are nice people, so don't worry, okay, babe?, Vic added kissing Liz on the lips and held her hands up to their rooms. I want to sleep with you tonight, Liz, please!!!, Vic pleading.

No, not tonight, tomorrow, I'm really tired and actually so embarrassed about what happened tonight, I think I won't be able to sleep for a while now because of what I did. It was all your fault, you beautiful nerd, you!, Liz said then grabbed Vic's neck and brought her mouth to hers and tasted it like she was missing this part of Vic and she feels the need to be with her. But she needs to control hers self especially now that she knows that someone is literally scouting her. She knew this would happen since she's part of Iluminati and people at REVO aren't really the type to trust easily and all the more, in an instant.

Good night babe!, Vic bid and kissed Liz's hand then went to her room. Liz opened her door but sensed that there is someone in the room, so , she got into the position. She went in the middle of the big room and turned on the light. So, you sensed that I was here, so who are you? What do you intend to do with the heir of Montfort throne?, a voice said in the dark side of the room. Come in the light so I can see you, Liz said unafraid. Aha, I knew it, Rita, right!, I think you are mistaken and I am not here to ruin anyone or anything.

Liz, or should I say Elizabeth Arden Lovechild, an only daughter of a business magnate. Your mom left you and your dad with another man. And your old man, is a retired business man and engineer who bought a yaght to travel the east coast. He still lives in your old mansion at a suburb in the Netherlands and you stayed in California since you are one of the leaders of the Iluminati. You have enormous assets and your net worth unknown. How can a rich, monopolizing bitch like you end up in Victory's company in the first place?, Rita took her cloak off and now in her black tights preparing for a duel. Okay, I am tired and I don't want a fight, Rita, I don't know what you're talking about!, Everything you said about me is true but I never intend to hurt Victory, if that's what you're trying to imply! Liz covering her face and on guard.

If you won't tell the truth then I don't have a choice but to kill you!, Rita said seriously. Oh my God, Rita, what? I am not scared of you or anyone and …Liz replied cautiously.

And you know martial arts and boxing, so it's okay I am a black belter and a professional boxer too. A little match won't hurt, right? Rita added while punching Liz with a right hook and she hit Liz unexpectedly.

Aha, that tickles, Liz said laughing at how Rita punched her on the face. Okay, you asked for it, don't blame me if you're a cripple tomorrow. Both girls boxed and once or twice, Rita was winning, but since Liz's forte is boxing, she knew where to hit Rita. With a wink Liz hit a blow on Rita's stomach and it sent her down the ground unable to breathe. As Rita grasped for air, Liz knelt down and touched the girl's tummy to straighten it up so she can breathe. Instead, Rita got up and while holding her abdomen, she smiled and ran towards the window and jumped out of Liz's room. Liz came running after the girl and looks outside the window. She's on the third floor, where could she have gone? Nice move, Liz thought, smiling. Rita was just on the roof, still gasping for air. This Liz is exceptional, her right hook can really send someone to hell, hmm!! Rita said to herself. Gisel was reading in her study when her window opened from a gush of wind. Thanks for coming, so what did you find out?

Elizabeth is an exceptional girl. She is part of the Iluminati and she doesn't know what I was asking her about. I think she is a good person Madam, Rita said honestly. I bet she beat you in boxing, your face looks it, I think you like her and she is a perfect match for Victory then. Good, it's nice to hear!, Gisel smiled and sent her off. Rita got to her room on the first floor and showered. She medicated her scars and black eye. That Liz is…aha! Now what, Rita, now way, you like her?, Rita thought it because no one ever bit her in boxing, and this was the first time a girl bit her to it.

Liz tried to sleep but the thought of Rita came to her. She knew she loves Vic but how come this girl amazes her. Her calm and poise, her beauty and grace as a maid, or I might add part of the security team for the Montfort Family. I know that even before we came here, she preceded herself and that's good. But…Anyway. Ting! Her cell got a message from Victory, how are you? Babe, what's wrong, are you asleep? Goodnight!, I love you!. Haaa!, I love you too, yes, about to sleep, night, Vic!,Mwah!. Liz.

Mwahhhh!!, Vic on the other line is happy and want Liz to be her partner for life. I desire that and I will make it happen.

GIsel told Victoria and Em about Rita's findings. Okay then we should continue with the plan, Em said confident with what Liz can do for the Montforts. She will be an asset to the royal family, Gisel added raising her wine glass to celebrate their new found ally and friend to reign the kingdom with Victory and help manage REVO for the future of Tunisia and the world.

Liz didn't like what Rita did but she knew the Montfort family would do this and REVO is behind the plot to know more about her and her intention getting together with Victory. She kissed Vic good morning and greeted the Montfort women courteously as usual. The Montfort women were already seated whe Liz and Vic came in a bit later than their regular morning meal. Liz played innocent as if nothing happened last night in her room. Rita is her usual self as the head of the maids of the Manor. Rita it was good of you to attend to us this morning and maybe you could join us for the tea later?, Gisel advised Rita and the girl nodded silently. Some scar and bruises are still visible in her face. Hey Rita, what happened to you? Did someone beat you up last night, you look terrible!! Hehe!, Vic said giggling. Yes, it was something like that, my lady!, Rita smiled and winked at Liz. Liz looked away and felt a little shook but she liked the feeling though, beating a professional boxer is definitely a wonderful experience for her.

Ehem! Yes we should toast for Victory and Elizabeth's love and we are very glad to have announced that today, we would really like a word from Victory herself!, Victoria in her loud voice. Yeah!, I wanted to thank my mom, Victoria, my Nana, Gisel and grandmother Victoria for being my family. Without you guys, I would never have known what real family love is and now that you are all here, I would like to announce something else! Errr…hmmm!, Elizabeth Arden Lovechild, will you marry me? Victory nervously uttered then kneeling in front of Liz who is astounded with the sudden proposal. Ah, Vic, ahaha! I am surprised that you proposed, I thought…? Liz replied wondering why her girlfriend proposed when she of all people don't settle down unless it's near life or death. Liz, I love you and I don't want anyone to have you. Plus, you will look very beautiful in our royal family picture!!, Hihi!, Victory happily said. Well then, yessss!, Liz waited for Liz to put the ring on her finger and Liz on the other hand, took something out of her pocket too.

And so since you said the magic word, I would like to give this ring to you Victory, so that it would definitely be official, now that you are my fiancée. Thank you, I would love to have this from you, Vic added and kissed Liz while she was still kneeling. Bot of the girls kissed and didn't even bother whether the family is looking or not. Then, it's time to really celebrate Victory and Elizabeth's engagement, how cool!, Em said laughing. The rest of the family laughed as well. Rita on the other hand was furious inside. How can she propose when she had that look that she liked me, that night when we had that boxing match?, Rita thought and looked away in anger. Maybe it's just what I thought and she didn't feel anything for me since I am just a maid and head of security. What am I compared to her?