The Comforter

Liz didn't like what Rita did but she knew the Montfort family would do this and REVO is behind the plot to know more about her and her intention getting together with Victory. She kissed Vic good morning and greeted the Montfort women courteously as usual. The Montfort women were already seated whe Liz and Vic came in a bit later than their regular morning meal. Liz played innocent as if nothing happened last night in her room. Rita is her usual self as the head of the maids of the Manor. Rita it was good of you to attend to us this morning and maybe you could join us for the tea later?, Gisel advised Rita and the girl nodded silently. Some scar and bruises are still visible in her face. Hey Rita, what happened to you? Did someone beat you up last night, you look terrible!! Hehe!, Vic said giggling. Yes, it was something like that, my lady!, Rita smiled and winked at Liz. Liz looked away and felt a little shook but she liked the feeling though, beating a professional boxer is definitely a wonderful experience for her.

Ehem! Yes we should toast for Victory and Elizabeth's love and we are very glad to have announced that today, we would really like a word from Victory herself!, Victoria in her loud voice. Yeah!, I wanted to thank my mom, Victoria, my Nana, Gisel and grandmother Victoria for being my family. Without you guys, I would never have known what real family love is and now that you are all here, I would like to announce something else! Errr…hmmm!, Elizabeth Arden Lovechild, will you marry me? Victory nervously uttered then kneeling in front of Liz who is astounded with the sudden proposal. Ah, Vic, ahaha! I am surprised that you proposed, I thought…? Liz replied wondering why her girlfriend proposed when she of all people don't settle down unless it's near life or death. Liz, I love you and I don't want anyone to have you. Plus, you will look very beautiful in our royal family picture!!, Hihi!, Victory happily said. Well then, yessss!, Liz waited for Liz to put the ring on her finger and Liz on the other hand, took something out of her pocket too. And so since you said the magic word,

I would like to give this ring to you Victory, so that it would definitely be official, now that you are my fiancée. Thank you, I would love to have this from you, Vic added and kissed Liz while she was still kneeling. Bot of the girls kissed and didn't even bother whether the family is looking or not. Then, it's time to really celebrate Victory and Elizabeth's engagement, how cool!, Em said laughing. The rest of the family laughed as well. Rita on the other hand was furious inside. How can she propose when she had that look that she liked me, that night when we had that boxing match?, Rita thought and looked away in anger. Maybe it's just what I thought and she didn't feel anything for me since I am just a maid and head of security. What am I compared to her?

Liz kissed Vic back and hugged her tight. She then accidentally looked at Rita who gave her a snob. Liz knew Rita was jealous, but what can she do, she loves Victory and neither Rita nor her family could take Vic away from her. Congratulations and welcome to the family Liz, Em hugged and kissed her on the cheek. Gisel and Victoria stood from their seats and congratulated the girl and kissed both of her cheeks in happiness. After breakfast, everybody including Rita and Sam joined the Montfort Family to the garden at the back yard of the Manor. Vic and Liza hasn't explored the house yet but they're already amazed on the Manor's magnificence inside, the garden was definitely beautiful. Liz love flowers and Vic

gave her a blue rose which is so rare to see. Liz eyes popped out since it's very pretty. Just as pretty as you, my darling!, Vic said kissing Liz again on the lips. Okay we will leave you two alone for a while. We need to attend to a meeting For the REVO group and enjoy the place dears, Gisel said smiling at the couplr. See you later honey, Liz, congratulations again!, Em kissing her daughter and Liz happily. Well done Victory and congratulations to both of you. Liz take good care of my gran daughter, okay! Victoria said smiling at them and held their hands as she went with the rest for the meeting.

Sam winked at Vic and smiled at Liz then followed by Rita who kissed Liz on the cheek and whispered something to her ear, that made Liz think. Congratulations you two, Liz, Vic!

Thanks Rita, Sam, I am glad all of you are happy for us. We will catch up with you in a minute, Vic added looking back at Liz and grabbing her cheek to move her closer to her and kissed her mouth. Soft kisses at first that went in deeper, that their tongues collided. Liz lost her balance and both of them fell on the ground full of green grass and flowers with different colours such as blue, red, green, yellow orange and red circled them like they're in a dream land where everything is perfect, peaceful and beautiful. I love you Liz and I want to marry you, really!

Okay, me too!, Liz said while Vic is kissing her lips then it went down to her neck, her shoulder and the top of her breasts. Vic could no longer control her desire to have Liz, so her hand moved down from Liz's neck to her bossom, then to her waist and her bottom. Vic is still kissing Liz's mouth when she pressed the girl closer to her until their bodies touched. Liz gave a slight moan when Vic slid her hand on Liz's shirt and touched her giving out a load groan. Liz couldn't contain her feelings so she bit Vic's lip, Vic in turn got turned on and her desire to be inside Liz became stronger than earlier. Liz pressed Vic who is on top of her, towards her to feel her body heat that rows hotter by the minute. Vic placed her fingers inside Liz that made the girl jump for a second since they are sweaty and cold. Babe, I love you so much!, Vic said while she made her fingers do round motions to make Liz come and she did. Her soft spot is waiting for Vic's touch to do her right. And Vic definitely did her good. Both are laughing and kissed each other lovingly. Rita was there on the rose bushes pretty shaken with what she heard and seen. She was advised by Lady Gisel to check up on the couple and she didn't know they were making out at the garden. Rita gasped for breath and when she knows that it was safe to come out and meet them… Highness Victory and Lady Elizabeth, Madam Gisel wants to speak to you both at her study room. Please follow me!, Rita said with her eyes looking at the ground, sounding urgent, not minding the scene where Liz is still fixing herself. Putting her bra on its right place and buttoning her shirt while Vic is helping her out. Both ladies laughed at each other and tried to fix their hairs as well. They walked with Rita out of the garden. There goes our garden of Eden, Vic said teasing Liz who pinched her on her side.

We have an emergency. Both of you needs to attend a conference at REVO. Though we know that Iluminati is REVO's ally now, we would like to take this opportunity to make your engagement official for the REVO leaders to know and let Iluminati understand that we don't discriminate. And this merger is a good beginning of a long lasting peace and prosperity on both sides, Gisel said hopeful and joyful with the merger of this two powerful organizations in the world. Rita will secure your entry to the conference at Geneva and you will hear from me and Em later to give you details on what to say and do at the important gathering. Here leaders from all corners of the earth will be there to participate.

Peace, Climate and Economic talks are going to be their priority topics for the five day conference. So enjoy and may you bring peace, joy, love and prosperity to us and to our nation. You will be leaving for the convention tomorrow at 0800 hours. Good luck my dears! Victoria added happily. Em was in the meeting with the REVO groups of the world and setting up a call for Iluminati to join in the virtual call for their suggestions and their questions for the leaders at the convention.

Rita is seen walking at the garden outside the Manor when Liz appeared In front of her. So, what can I do for you now my Lady?

Ah, Rita, sorry about the other day when I knocked you out and about the ruckus Vic and I did when you found us out at this garden, Liz replied honestly. Ahha, that, it's okay, as if I hadn't seen sex videos before but I think your were way hotter and sexier!, Rita added smiling back. I just want to say thanks too for everything you did for me and Vic and the Montfort Family….Liz was about to say more but they heard guns firing at the front lawn of the Manor. Rita heard it too so she shielded Liz and went to the nearby stock room where food and water supplies are kept. The room is not that big but it sure is about two units of my apartment and that is big enough for me. Liz are you okay?, Vic called me on the cell. Yes I am, how about you?, what happened there?