The Comforter 2

One of the prime ministers representative turned out to be a spy, it's a good thing that Sam and his men were prepared to fight the mercenaries. Two men were down but my family and I are safe. Wherever you are stay put and be careful, okay! Our men are still scouting for spies and is Rita with you?, Vic asked sounding concerned. Yes she is and we will stick around for a bit, I love you, Liz added and dropped the call. Okay we need to stay put for a bit and let the commotion die down. We will be okay, right Rita?

Yes, I'll keep you safe no matter what!, Alright sleep for now and I'll guard the door for you, maybe you're a bit hungry, we have canned fruits and chips!, Haha!, Rita said pretty happy.

Okay I'll have those and some of the sodas, energy drinks and yup tequila, is on the house!, Liz added sounding excited since she never had this type of conversation again with anyone, and it isn't only with Victory.

Liz didn't realize she slept while waiting for a message from her fiancée and felt a sudden warmth not far from where she is lying. She was on a comforter wrapped in a velvety blanket where it felt soft and comfortable. I wonder where Rita went?, Liz thought while wiping her eyes off and walked about 20 feet or so. She saw Rita covered in sweat yet hugging herself like freezing out since it was indeed cold in the stock room. The small fireplace can warm the room but not enough for her maybe, Liz said to herself, so she walked closer to Rita and checked up on her. Oh, my God, she's burning with fever, Liz didn't think twice and ran to get her comforter and blanket and covered Rota with them.

Then she went to the bathroom and got water and a face towel she found hanging up the shower curtain holder. This might do, Liz whispered and went back to the main room to assist sick Rita, She covered Rita's body with the comforter that is thick enough to give her the heat she needed to bring down her fever. Then Liz took off all her clothes and wiped her body with the towel soaked in water. After doing that, she got Rita new clothes from a tiny closet she found near the bathroom. It's an over-all and definitely can produce more heat to lower down her fever. But Rita still got the chills and so Liz though of an idea and slipped right in to lay down beside Rita and held her body close to her to heat her body

up. And I think it's a good one for Rita's fever seemed to lower down. Liz continued to hug Rita until morning. Rita woke up and saw Liz with her arms wrapped around her. She didn't know what happened, but Liz is sound asleep. Liz is really something, she is so close and so pretty I could….Rita didn'think twice and kissed Liz on the lips thinking that the girl is still asleep. Ri…Rita, Liz shouted while pushing the maid away from her and slapped her. What are you doing? Still shocked and now touching her mouth because of the stolen kiss.

I don't know you tell me. You were hugging me like for forever when I woke up, so ! Rita said smiling. Then, ahhhh! My head feels heavy and my body is aching like it's hit by a bus. Speaking of aches and all, you had a high fever last night that's why I took the liberty of caring for my security person. So you should be thanking me for your life, you know, Liz added feeling proud with herself for doing so. And the overalls, so you mean, you took all my clothes off. You saw me naked, Lizzzz!!!, Rita got nervous all of a sudden. I need to wioe your whole body with wet towel to lower control the fever down. But it didn't work so I sued my body heat to lower your colds down and it worked cause obviously you're okay now, right? Liz answered gladly. Yes, her, thanks for the help, okay let's go now, maybe everything's alright at the Manor, Rita said unable right straight into Liz's eyes. If it's about you being naked and all, I didn't see it cause it was dark here then don't worry too much, okay!, Liz explained. Oh, okay then! Let's go!, Rita uttered breathing in and out as if relieved with Liz's reply.

While leaving the stock room. Liz is smiling all through-out the walk. She was thinking about how beautiful Rita's body was, she's so pale white and her breasts are bigger than mine, but they're beautiful. Her over all physique is exquisite. I can let her guard me all day long and take me to bed if necessary. Hehe!, Liz thought and then laughed ,while she's at it she can do me too. Why are you laughing? Rita asked as if irritated by Liz's sudden silence and then smiling secretly while looking at her body. Why are you looking at me like that?

Ahh, like what?, Liz asked smiling back at the confused girl. Umm, it's nothing, I can assure you it's not sexual, however, you have a beautiful body you know. And I admire you a lot, now I can honestly say that you are definitely my crush now!, Hihi!, Liz answered with a snap of her fingers. You should go out more and meet people, with that body anyone can fall for you, just like that!

Liz, please, Oh no!!!Rita sighed. Vic is already running towards them when they got out of the stock room. Hi baby! Vic hugging Liz tightly. Thanks Rita for taking care of my fiancée. Oh it's nothing. I think I should be the one thanking her for saving my life. Really!, What happened? Vic now curious. I just took care of her fever and that's that!, Liz said casually. Yup, that is what I meant!, Rita replied coldly. Okay thanks again Rita, we need to head back at the Manor for the briefing on the Geneva Convention. Vic walked past Liz with her eyes on Rita. Rita was looking at Liz too but moved her head on a different direction to lose Liz's striking eyes. She seem to can't lie by looking at Liz's eyes. She gets me and she knows me better than I know myself, How can she do that? This girl is really something, Rita now getting all fuzzy and confused with her feelings towards Liz, she couldn't understand herself either Why, why did I kiss Liz anyway?

Liz was still looking at Rita while Vic is dragging her to walk quickly and get ready for the flight to the conference.

I can't be with her. Liz is just one of my clients that I need to protect and that's it, Rita told her self. Wake up Rita, you're getting into trouble and Montfort is not just a name but a dominant clan , an ancient line of royalty mixed with strange powerful magicians, sorcerers and wizards.

The reputation of their wizards and sorcerers precede them. Gisel is known for her fountain of youth magic and her remarkable charm/ mental telepathy when it comes to sexuality. Beatrice was known for her invisibility powers and her art of tai chi killing (soft ways on how to destroy an enemy). Victoria was the head of the royal security for her strength and cunningness. She is very swift in shooting and excellent in martial arts. Victory, however, hadn't revealed hers, but some legends say that she has the power of mind control and can foresee the future.


Aha and where does men come in to the story? As the author of this novel, I want to make sure that women are given priority and I don't hate men but the stigma writers from of old depicted women as lesser mortals, weak and untalented. I am not religious or a feminist either. I am just someone who wanted equality and justice in every piece of work I write. A female character is the epitomy of strength, power, charm, sexuality, passion, temptation, friendship, flirty attitude, sensitivity, character, dignity, motherhood, love, beauty, glamour, sensuality, sensibility, desire and diversity. It isn't true that there are things women can't do better than men. But the real truth is that men can't be a woman even just for a day. Men has all things easy and laws were made for them. Women were considered as second class citizens in the olden times, even in the time of Jesus. Though in the early history of Egypt, princesses were considered gods and they can rule a country and can be leaders just like Queen Cleopatra. I love history and the arts that reading is my passion in life in my childhood years. I used to make up stories when I play with my brothers toy cars or miniature toy soldiers just like in comic strips or movies. I claim to be someone in my story whether it be a man or woman.

Because I am the only girl in the family then, I don't play with dolls but I play by writing about many things. I love expressing myself in my stories and my characters are true to life people though some can be fictional, but all are true to me in my little world of mysteries, adventures, romance and wonders.

A different kind of world where one can be who he/she wants to be, a superhero or a beggar, a sorcerer or a nerd, an angel or a devil, holy or evil, young or old and a leader or a follower. In real life we can be who we want to be if we set our minds to it. When I was a kid I desired for fame, beauty and fortune, until now I still have those wishes, but it is more selfless and service-centered. Meaning, I want to be known just to be able to share my gift of inspirational writing, to be beautiful inside and out for my fans to be proud and have confidence in me not only for my works but for liking me as a person, and to be able to have the resources to spread the Word, the Good News of Jesus and reach many hearts to uplift them and those who they will share my writings with and be inspired or saved in a way. My books, novels and works, make me happy, fall in love, inspire, lift hearts and crave a need, a sense of urgency, to uplift others' lives just like what I do with mine every single day.