Harvard Competition

I think as it says on my research I should've followed a check-up after five years of colonoscopy, so I would have known what to do in case this happens again. So, no or less red meat for me, I should eat beans and more of vegetables and fruits for fiber intake and no sweat bowel movements. Moreover, I also think that I may have wrongly assumed about it too. Let's see if home medications will work for my present dilemma. Okay, it's about it for my life story, it is not really something to laugh about but I am laughing now though my ass is on fire, literally burning from the vapor rub I put to ease the pains. Ehem! Excuse me, now, let's proceed to ....

Laughter. What makes you laugh? Even if you're sad or feeling pain you can always laugh and be happy. When you are suffering and crying, you can wallow away in tears but after letting the grief go, believe that everything will clear up in your life and you can smile and make yourself happy by laughing.

Happiness is inside, in the heart and sometimes our minds or thoughts wander why or ask why this is happening to me or my family, my country or the world. Not everything in the world or in your head can be explained. A lot of times the mystery of life and happiness lie on the unlimited wisdom of God. Sometimes we ask why did this pandemic come? Or why did my business go bankrupt or why did my boyfriend leave me with another girl or why did my mother die? and more. We can only wait patiently and live our life today with purpose, and the answers will come in time. Maybe the solution or answer will come, not at the present moment, but sooner or later it might.

Laugh every time, smile always and live life every minute of the day with much joy that the memory lasts for a lifetime. It is better to remember our days here on earth sharing love, joy and inspiration to our love ones, friends, nation and the world than pain and problems, right!. Sometimes when we no longer have answers or solutions to a problem or situation, maybe it's time to let go and let God do the thinking, worrying or healing for you. Anyway, He never fails and never abandons, so, why not! Let Him touch and heal you, your body and soul to become a new being to spread goodness and light to everyone you meet. Let's say this short prayer with me please:

"I am yours Lord. Heal me and make me new inside and out. You are the only one who can cure me of my illness, problem or worry. You Lord, are my strength, healer, provider and master. I give my life to you now and offer everything that I am and every nerve, tendon, fiber, bone, muscle, part of my body, mind, heart and soul. I believe and I receive your healing now. I am totally new, like wine put in a new wine skin. I feel you touch me and my whole being cured as I was in my mother's womb. Reborn, renewed and replenished. Forever I will glorify you in my life always. Amen."

Hi!, can't sleep?, Dalia asked when I was about to flip the digital page of now my fave book even if I'm still on the first pages of it. Haha!, hi, yup, you can't sleep either?, I replied looking at her whose eyes are half open as the lights inside the plane are. Well, I'm getting there but I saw your holodigi app so I thought maybe, we can chat a bit for you, ahh, for me, hehe, to be able to sleep. I don't really like flying you know!, Dalia added now sitting in front of Marnie like a baby who wants a cuddle to sleep. Yup, I know you so well. Okay, but just tonight!, Marnie said lowering her voice when a passenger at her front flinched a bit hearing Dalia's loud voice echoing the deafening silence inside the aircraft, since everyone's asleep as we are speaking. I cuddled Dalia and caressed her hair to make her fall asleep, then when she felt the kick of sleepiness, she head off and stood lazily to her seat and doze off without any qualms. I felt happy to ease a friend's issue but I still missed Vicky, now more than ever. Especially when the times we cuddle and make love. Haah!!!, Vicky, where are you?

Vicky, as if hearing Marnie's call from somewhere, Marnie???

Hey, hi, you're dreaming!, Sam said already dressed up to board out of the plane. Well, we're here and I hope things go well between you and Marnie. As a friend, go and get the girl!, he added raising a fist like he won a lottery.

Thanks, that's swell!, (Yes, aha!, I hope I win her and she won't slap or ignore me at the event), Vicky said then thought of what could possibly go wrong meeting with Marnie again.

Harvard Science Team came two hours later from Sam and Vicky's flight. Sam already hailed a cab for their all expense air force paid hotel in London. They are here for a flight exhibition that supposed to happen many years ago but Vicky then was reported missing in action why she got served then. Not this time, she wanted everything to be perfect with Marnie and didn't want to blow her promotion and her relationship with her girlfriend, at the same time. She was given a second chance at life and love. I will make it work and have my girl back in not time, Vicky said to herself as she went out of the cab and followed Sam to their hotel. He booked separated rooms but adjacent to each other. It's nine in the morning and Vicky told Sam she'll be sleeping over to get some rest for Marnie's competition later in the evening. Her test flight will commence tomorrow morning so she has plenty of time to practice until the exhibition flight of the Turbo Jet Fighter 3000 for the U.S. Air Force. And she can't wait to invite Marnie on her master class training.

Dr. Stevens booked a hotel near Vicky's and though unable to see each other, Marnie feels Vicky is just close by, her heart is somewhat excited on something that will happen later at the competition. I couldn't contain my mixed feelings, I want to see Vicky and I hope she is indeed there tonight. Our dresses came in after we have settled down at the hotel. I ordered for purple diamond inspired gown with see through laced front where my boobs get to be pushed up in a sexy way, with white long women's gloves matching my light pink thin closed shimmering high heels. Ling and Devi shared a room about two rooms from where I'm staying, Dalia is staying with me and she's going to wear all black long gown with see through cleavage, back less and free for feels. It's going to be a long night for me and I don't know where I should go to forget about Vicky and like drown the desire I feel inside me that's wanting to burst any moment now if I won't let it out and kiss someone tonight. I'm lost, totally lost without my love with me and in me.

Ling and Devi on the other hand are having a great time of their lives being together almost all of the time in their room. Though the British Scientific event will have a GALA later tonight, the main event and the presentation of the finalists in the competition will take place on Saturday, so we still have lots of time to ourselves, to have fun and all. Well, whatever the word means to you. I for that is like being free from any worries or even a girlfriend who left me...aahh, stop whining and sulking Marnie. It's the time of your life to shine and feel free, happy. For once in your life be happy, girl. Yes and I will, Marnie told herself over and over again until it's like her anthem for this next chapter of her life. Whoever wins in the competition will definitely change whatever life the competitor has, and I want that change, I'm ready for that change!

Dal, I'll head off the bar at the ground floor, I'm good, I'll be at the restaurant with the team after checking out the shops outside the hotel, I shouted outside the bathroom where Dalia is showering at the moment. Okay!, Dalia hollered back.

Oh, the book right!, where did I left off?. Hmm, I thought to myself as I opened my holodigi app and found the booklet while walking to the elevator and coming down seeing how magnificent the place is. All red carpets and walls in peach and gold. Nice, it's so clean and smells great.