
When Su Ming saw this, he picked up the Turtle in his arms and rode on Da Bai, heading toward the Elf Valley.

Once he returned to the Elf Valley, the first thing Su Ming did was to look for Dishan.

Unfortunately, Dishan had not returned yet. It seemed that he was still working hard in the rock mine with his people.

When Su Ming heard the news, he rubbed the center of his brows helplessly but did not say anything else.

After that, he went to Zelda and told her about his discovery and plans.

Once he finished listening to Su Ming's story, a hint of shock appeared on Zelda's face. She instinctively looked at the Turtle in Su Ming's arms.

"Great Prophet, is this Turtle really that powerful?"

Zelda's face was filled with shock and disbelief when she asked this question. She clearly did not dare to believe it.

After all, when this Turtle first came to the Elf Valley, most people's impression of it was that it was a cute and arrogant pet.