The Swamp Boa’s Powerful Defense

To the current Dishan, Benben was like a Divine Beast.

He was actually able to solve the problem that had troubled him and the entire tribe in such a simple way.

Benben was being hugged by Dishan, but the expression on his face was a little disgusted.

After it glared at Dishan, it kicked off Dishan's body and pounced into Su Ming's arms.

Dishan lifted his head in slight embarrassment and met Su Ming's gaze.

Su Ming laughed and shook his head helplessly, then changed the topic. "That's right, Leader Dishan, during this time, you should have already finished refining the lime, right?"

"Take me there to take a look,"

Hearing this, Dishan's embarrassed expression immediately disappeared, and he quickly nodded in excitement.

"Alright, Commander Su Ming, please come with me."

As he spoke, Dishan brought Su Ming to the right side of the entrance to the Elf Valley.