Su Yan Drove Past the Prison

The sky gradually darkened.

Not long after, the sun had set and the surrounding air was mixed with some black dust. From the ground to the night sky, a strange dark green color appeared.

The sky was also filled with dark clouds and there was a deathly aura. The air was filled with an unpleasant rancid smell. Water sources were dried up, the ground was cracked and the land was turning into sand.

The outline of the city gradually appeared in the darkness. What used to be high-rise buildings had already become ruins on the ground.

The armored vehicle slowly drove forward along the collapsed city road. On the once prosperous street, yellow sand flew and the street was full of rusty abandoned vehicles.

The strange thing was that the people in the cars did not seem to be escaping when they died. The shriveled arms hung down naturally, and even the seat belts were normal. There was not a single drop of gasoline in any of the cars.

All kinds of stores were in ruins and the convenience store was in a mess.

What was more terrifying was that there were almost no living things on the road, not even a wild cat or dog.

The huge city was now a wasteland.

Desolation, a grand desolation.

He had never seen such a scene before.

Su Yan knew that he had already left the wild forest and entered the city area.

He looked at the route on the map he had stuck on the windshield and compared it with the direction the car was going. He went through the city and continued to move towards the suburbs.

The armored vehicle on the road was giving out "Woohoo" sounds.

From the windshield, one could see a cloud of yellow sand flying up.

A 20-meter tall, sinister and sturdy wall loomed before Su Yan's eyes.

He compared the road to the map and guessed that the wall in front of him was the one outside the prison.

From afar, above the high wall, two layers of thick power grids could be vaguely seen, and they were eerie and terrifying.

As for the situation within the high wall, Su Yan had no way of knowing.

This was the survivor camp, the prison.

It was like a coffin sitting in this remote corner, short and full of depression.

At this moment, the jeep-modified armored vehicle was driving on a road with overgrown grass on both sides.

On the grass, there were many corpses that had been eaten, as well as the remains of some dead zombies.

There were even a few survivors limping and running in groups in the wilderness.

Not far from them, Su Yan could already see a few limping zombies running toward them, and they looked like they were on the verge of death. It seemed like they had not had any food in a long time.

It was as if they would fall if they took one more step.

However, they had no choice but to run. If they didn't run, they would be swallowed by other zombies.

As the armored vehicle passed by, there were bursts of whirring sounds on the road. The moment the survivors heard the sound of the car, they used the last of their strength to stand up and waved at him, shouting, "Help!"

"Give us some food, we haven't had anything to eat for almost a week!"

"Take us with you! We want to go to the survivor camp!"

"Save us! We don't want to be bitten to death by the zombies!"


As they spoke, they ran in the direction of the armored vehicle!

Su Yan continued to drive, with no intention of stopping.

Suddenly, a male survivor with a broken arm actually jumped out of the grass and landed in front of the windshield of the armored vehicle!

"Save us!" The man shouted.

Upon seeing this, the other survivors' eyes lit up!

Could it be that they were saved?

Would the survivor driving the car save them?

Su Yan's eyes darkened. He had no intention of braking and instead drove straight in the man's direction!

However, the man had no intention of dodging. It was as if he was certain that he would save him.

But in Su Yan's eyes, this man was a joke. He was here to die. There might be a large number of zombies in all directions, and if he had to stop the car to save the survivors who had nothing to do with him, what good would he get?

The reality was that there was no benefit at all. Instead, there was the risk of being attacked by zombies.

There was simply no benefit to speak of. Therefore, he had never thought of saving them.

But now, a man had actually jumped in front of his car and forced him to save him. How could he tolerate others encroaching on his interests?

The next second, a "bang" sound was heard. Su Yan stepped on the accelerator with a calm expression. He didn't even blink as he knocked the man down!

The man was directly crushed under the armored vehicle. In an instant, his liver and intestines burst, his limbs were cut into several pieces, and blood splattered everywhere!

It was bloody and disgusting.

Su Yan's armored vehicle sped past as if nothing had happened. It didn't even shake.

Seeing this, the faces of the few survivors who ran towards him were suddenly filled with fear and despair.

He would not save them!

They looked at the few zombies less than a meter behind them and then closed their eyes. The next second, the screams of the survivors could be heard. 


The screams gradually died down in the midst of the gnawing by the zombies.


Soon, the outline of the prison appeared in Su Yan's eyes.

However, the next moment, the jeep-modified armored vehicle suddenly accelerated and turned to the right forcefully.

Then, a loud bang was heard!


Su Yan drove the armored vehicle into the hotel opposite the prison!

At this moment, there was a white skeleton hanging on the front desk. The sofas and chairs beside the front desk were scattered all over the floor. Upon seeing this, he stayed in the car in the small hotel reception area for a full minute.

And in this one minute, no zombies appeared.

That was when Su Yan stopped the engine. It was safe for the time being.

He then opened the car door, took out his gun and opened the trunk. He saw Wen Wan, who was in the sack in the trunk, breathing lightly.

Inside the sack, she couldn't see anything. She only knew that she had arrived at a place. Her mouth was wrapped in gauze, and she couldn't speak at all.

Su Yan picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. He then headed for the elevator.

It was a ten-story hotel.

For safety reasons, he took her to the tenth floor and kicked open a room with a better view.

The moment he kicked the door open, he held the gun in one hand and aimed the muzzle of the gun at the room.

After a few seconds, the silence in the room told Su Yan that there were no zombies.

The room was about 30 square meters in size and was a double-bed room.

As soon as he entered, he found himself in the bathroom. The shower head in the bathroom was still spraying water, and there was a bloody palm print on the mirror in front of the sink.

The television was just a few steps away.

At this time, the news was still being broadcasted on TV.

[Global Weekly: The time is May 14, 2048. Yesterday, a global biochemical virus outbreak occurred. The initial estimate of the number of victims in 24 hours was 2.7 billion! Experts have predicted that the last habitat of humans will be moved from the ground to the ocean!]

[Pacific Rim: The time is May 15, 2048. According to the latest observatory news, the ocean is not safe! The capsize of Lighthouse Country's Noah's Ark has been confirmed! A giant creature has appeared in the ocean. After testing, the biochemical virus has spread to the ocean! All citizens of the world, please escape the ocean as soon as possible!]

[Great Western Eagle: In 2048, repeat, May 15, 2048! The Lighthouse Country had fallen! The Great Southwest had fallen! All survivors are to stay at home and enjoy the last moments with your family...]