There were a few scratch marks made by a knife on the table under the TV and dried blood stains on the corner of the table.

On the other side of the table was a double bed with a white bedsheet.

The white curtains by the bed were blown in by the breeze from the window, and the curtains were lifted.

Upon seeing this, he put down the gun in relief and threw Wen Wan on the soft bed.

Then, he untied the rope that secured the sack and pulled it off. He looked at the weak Wen Wan and said coldly, "Are you still alive?"

Wen Wan had not seen any light for a long time. She closed her eyes to adapt to the environment. Once she got used to it, she slowly opened her eyes.

In her eyes, Su Yan was as cold-blooded as ever. She nodded at him to show that she was fine. Then, she looked around and found that she had come to a hotel. She frowned slightly and felt strange.

Su Yan grunted and placed her on the bed in a sitting position. He removed the gauze from her mouth and tied her hands to the headboard. He also tied her legs together.

He was looking at the bite mark on her neck. At this moment, the bite mark had already turned black. The blood vessels at the wound were spreading out in a circular arc, and the blue and black blood vessels were like a spider web.

Then, his eyes darkened and he wrapped the rotting wound on her neck with a new gauze. He didn't say anything more.

After he finished bandaging Wen Wan, he tore the bedsheet on the bed and bit his finger, causing blood to flow out. He used his finger to write the word "SOS" on it. Then, he hung the bedsheet outside the window. Not long after, he stood in front of the window and looked out silently.

Wen Wan sat on the bed and looked at his back with dazed eyes. She said in a weak voice, "Why did you come here? Aren't you going to the prison?"

Su Yan glanced at her. The sunlight from the window fell on Su Yan's side profile, accentuating his perfect features.

"No rush," he chuckled.

"Why?" Wen Wan frowned and asked, "Do you have any concerns?"

Su Yan's eyes darkened and he turned to look at the prison building opposite the hotel.

"Everyone is on guard. Why would the people in the prison open the door and let us in?"

"In addition, if you directly drive your car in, you might anger the people inside. At that time, we will be in danger. I can't take the risk."

"We must first observe the situation before making a decision."


At the same time, the sound of Su Yan's car hitting the wall could be heard within the prison wall.

A man in a black police uniform, who looked to be in his forties, with a three-star badge on his left chest, was standing on a 10-meter-high observation deck. He looked vigilantly at the hotel opposite with a sniper rifle in his hand.

The person who was looking on was the prison warden.

When he saw the man who had crashed into the hotel in an armored vehicle hanging the bed sheet with the word "SOS" on it outside the window, he retracted his gaze from the binoculars and put away his gun.

His initial judgment was that the man driving the armored vehicle should be a survivor from outside the city.

After thinking about it, the survivor camp had lost most of its people recently, and the food they found was getting less and less. If this continued, the survivor camp would collapse. Therefore, it was best to take in more survivors.

With this thought in mind, he brought his gun down from the observation deck.

At the same time, at about six o'clock in the evening, about 40 to 50 survivors were gathered on a field of about 500 square meters behind the high wall.

This was usually the time when everyone was waiting for the team that had gone out to look for food to return.

At this moment, the last group returned from the outside.

Initially, there were only four people in the group when they left. Now, only a man in his early twenties was left. He was covered in injuries and limped towards the crowd with a few bags of snacks in his hand.

Seeing this, everyone's heart thumped and they looked at each other, their faces pale.

This was the 15th person who had gone out to look for food this week and survived. The others had all died in the hands of the zombies.

In just a month, the original 100-member survivor camp was left with 50 members only. 

They all knew that if this went on, they would be bitten to death by zombies before they starve to death.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were dim and fearful as they began to discuss.

"He's been gone for so long. Why did he only bring a few bags of snacks? how can there be enough for forty to fifty of us?"

"He's so useless. Why didn't he just die outside? He still wants to share these pitiful bags of snacks with us when he came back."

"Don't you dare say that? Didn't you see that everyone on his team is dead?!"

"It's over. It's our turn tomorrow. We won't end up like this, will we?"


A middle-aged woman in her fifties with a hunched back in the group broke down the moment she saw the man. She ran up to him and hugged him. "Oh my God, this is great! Son, you're not dead. If you die, I won't live either!"

The man didn't have much emotion at first, but now that his mother was hugging him, all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained. He sank into his mother's arms and sobbed while holding her. He really thought that he would never come back!

Just as the crowd was discussing, the warden came to the field with a few prison guards. He stood in front of the crowd with a gun in his hand and was followed closely by four prison guards with batons.

Seeing this, he gave the prison guards behind him a look. One of the prison guards stepped forward and coughed.

"Today's harvest is not as good as before."

"The scale of our survivor camp has also been greatly reduced. We have to think about whether we should bring in more capable survivors."

"This is the best way to guarantee our future. Otherwise, in a few days, our survivor camp will be destroyed."

"It just so happens that when the warden was observing the situation outside today, he saw an armored vehicle crashing into the hotel opposite us. It even sent out a distress signal, so I came to ask everyone's opinion if we should rescue them. If we do, we'll send a few people to rescue them."

The prison guard looked at the warden, who nodded and asked, "What's everyone's opinion?"

The prison guard immediately retreated behind him.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces revealed a difficult expression and they all began to deliberate.

"Please, we can't even ensure our survival and we still have to go out and save people? Are you crazy?!"

"Anyway, I'm not going. If he wants to save people, why doesn't he go himself? He only knows how to order us around?!"

"That's right. Do you think you're something just because you have a gun?"

"That being said, too many survivors in our camp have died in the past month. If this continues, we'll all be finished!"

"Regarding saving people, what if we save a useless person who will take our resources? But if we don't save him, we won't have the chance to react to the current situation!"