The Corpse King Is Hatching

At this moment, Su Yan smiled.

The heart of Satan?

He calmly picked up the gun and aimed it at the huge heart that was still beating wildly on the ceiling, ready to fire!

The priest's eyes were filled with fear. He reached out to hold Su Yan's hand and shook his head.

"No! That's the Corpse King hatching!"

Su Yan glanced at him and slowly lowered his gun.

At the same time, a black shadow charged straight at the female delinquent!


The female delinquent's neck had already been bitten by the black shadow!

The loli's crisp screams echoed in the supermarket. At that moment, her eyes were filled with fear.

She didn't even have the time to see what it was. She only felt that her entire body was lifted up by this black shadow!

She didn't even have the chance to pull out the baseball bat, nor did she have the chance to react and counterattack!

In that instant, she felt that she was dead for sure!

But the next second, all sorts of memories of her and her ex-boyfriend surfaced in her mind.

She smiled indifferently and felt that she could finally die. After she died, she could go and find him.

Her eyes seemed to be filled with endless relief.

At the same time, the Bible in the priest's hand fell to the ground with a "pa" sound!

The priest was stunned by this scene!

She was bitten?

The moment he reached out to grab the female delinquent, she had already been slammed into the wall behind her.

He did not expect the black shadow to be so fast!

What was it? It had such power?

And there were more things that were unexpected!


Su Yan had just put down his gun, but he quickly pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the black shadow in an instant.

The moment the bullet was fired, an animal's wild cry was heard, but it eventually calmed down.

The true identity of the black shadow was actually...

A zombie spider about the size of a human, with seven or eight identical black eyes on its head and twelve long, furry legs!

It was staring at her! A stream of thick black blood slowly flowed out of its head!

A "boom" sound was heard!

It didn't have the time to close its eyes before Su Yan's bullet pierced through its head and it exploded.

It was as if one could see the terrifying resentment in the seven or eight black and white eyes. 

As for the female delinquent who had been bitten by the terrifying mutant spider zombie at such a close distance, with her back against the wall, she slid down slowly and finally sat on the ground.

Her eyes were wide open as she looked at the huge thing in front of her. She could not help but smile in relief.

It was time to see him...

At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed in the priest's eyes.

He was shocked by Su Yan's marksmanship.

Su Yan's marksmanship was indeed accurate. It turned out that the one-shot kill wasn't fake.

Not long ago, he had heard from the survivors that when Su Yan had just arrived, he had killed three zombies. He didn't believe it at first.

But it turned out to be the truth. 

At the same time, the female delinquent caressed her baseball bat, and her eyes flashed with anger. She glared at Su Yan.

"Hey, do you know that you're really a busybody? I could have died earlier to find him!"

"What am I supposed to do now that I'm half-dead?!"

Su Yan looked over.


When the female delinquent mentioned her boyfriend, her eyes were already filled with tears.

The blood on her neck had already seeped through the collar of her uniform.

"He was the person I loved the most, but I killed him."

"Because he turned into a zombie..."

"Because I couldn't help him..."

The anger in her eyes intensified as she shouted at Su Yan.

"Why? You didn't you say earlier about the serum!"

"He's already dead, so what's the point of me doing all this!"

She glanced at the baseball bat that her boyfriend had given her and passed it to Su Yan. The anger in her eyes had turned into a plea.

"Now that I've been bitten by a zombie, I'm going to turn into a zombie. Can you give me a quick death with this baseball bat that he gave me?"

"I want to be free ..."

The priest beside him sighed. He picked up the cross and chanted, "Amen."

Ever since the zombie outbreak, he had seen too many tragedies like this.

How did a teenage girl who was supposed to be innocent become like this?

Seeing this, Su Yan naturally felt a trace of sympathy for the female delinquent.

But Su Yan was more concerned. The female delinquent was not afraid of zombies not because of the serum, but because she did not want to live.

In that case, she could be ruled out.

However, now that she had been bitten, as long as she didn't die, she could still be brought back.

When he found the serum, he would have one more "experimental sample" for the serum. Why not?

Thinking of this, he looked at her and said, "Don't be rash. You'll be fine when we find the serum."

After he finished speaking, Su Yan walked inside. At this moment, the sound of the heart was still beating.

Seeing this, the priest's face turned bluish purple. He nimbly turned to a page in the Bible and said as he pushed up his black glasses.

"The dead zombie was a spider zombie, so this heart might be..."

The priest hadn't finished his words.

Su Yan turned around and said coldly, "It's a spider egg,"

As Su Yan said this, he had already picked up an umbrella.

At the same time, a loud cracking sound was heard from the ceiling!

Countless spider zombies, the size of human heads, bared their fangs and fell down like rain!

"Hua Hua Hua" sounds were heard.

The female delinquent and the priest's hearts skipped a beat!

Could this be that before the first wave subsided, a new wave had risen?

They knew that no matter how far they ran, they couldn't defeat this many spiders. They didn't even have time to dodge as countless bottle cap-sized spiders jumped onto their bodies!

The female delinquent and the priest couldn't help but start struggling madly!

Although the newly-born spiders wouldn't bite people to death, once they were bitten, they would have rashes and itch all over. And this was the egg of a zombie spider. There was also the risk of zombie poison!

Her survival instinct had already prompted the female delinquent to stand up and shake off the spiders on her body.

Countless baby spiders climbed onto the priest's body, and the priest had already lost his calm and caution when he took out his knife.

He waved his knife wildly and his body kept shaking, trying to shake off the spiders.

However, they were unable to stop so many baby spiders!

At this time, Su Yan only held the umbrella.

Countless zombie spiders fell on the umbrella, making a series of clattering sounds.

Su Yan looked on indifferently. He was thinking if he should leave them alone or bring these people back.

The current situation was obvious. He had to use his cheat to escape.

If he used the wall-penetrating cheat, he would definitely be able to pass through the second floor to the first floor.

However, he could only save himself with this cheat.

Although the female delinquent was not a doctoral student, she had the use of being an experimental specimen. As for the priest, he was still under suspicion.

Since that was the case, he could only save both of them.

Therefore, the best thing to do now was to use a time deceleration cheat. 

He was confident that he could use the time deceleration cheat to take the two of them away.

Even though the spiders were extremely fast, Su Yan's speed was faster than the spider zombies after using the time deceleration.

Just when he was about to press [F10: Time deceleration] key, a beam of light flashed from below the elevator.


The middle-aged woman was actually driving the armored vehicle forward!

"Get in the car!"

Su Yan instantly gave up on pressing the time deceleration key and pulled the two of them into the car.

At the same time, countless zombie spiders filled the entire space.

It didn't matter if it was on the iron rack, the cabinet, or the items that were scattered on the ground.

Every corner was filled with zombie spiders. The scene was so terrifying that it gave people goosebumps.

Imagine if a living person was covered by countless zombie spiders the size of bottle caps and died without even leaving a bone.

The scene was simply chilling!

At the same time, everyone got into the car!

Countless spiders had already climbed up the wheels and windshields of the armored vehicle.

The woman still looked calm and capable. Her eyes, which had fine lines at the corners, seemed to be piercing like a sharp blade.

She stomped on the accelerator. The car instantly drifted and rushed towards the white wall, crashing into it!