This Is the Heart of Satan

A cold face suddenly appeared in front of her and it seemed to exude a chill like the Arctic.

His cold eyes made people shiver. They seemed to emit a cold light, it was as if a dragon that was vaguely licking its blood was baring its fangs.

She could clearly see that her seemingly weak body was completely huddled up in his pupils!

It was just a look, but it sent a chill down her spine.

Su Yan seemed to have changed. His aura was so strong that it was as if one would be in danger if he took a step closer.

The priest was beside Su Yan and said to both of them, "You guys saw it too, right?"

The young female delinquent regained her senses and revealed a look of joy on her face. She nodded and said, "I was just chasing this black shadow, if I didn't bump into..."

When she said this, she recoiled at Su Yan's gaze and didn't dare to continue.

Su Yan didn't do anything to her, but she was afraid of him because of his gaze and his aura.

Su Yan calmly picked up his gun and looked toward the elevator.

"The black shadow is up there."

Under the dim and flashing lights, the three of them stood in front of the elevator with their weapons in hand.

The black shadow had long disappeared. Under the flashing lights, a long, moving elevator was slowly moving up.

From the bottom to the other end of the elevator, it was almost dark, and they couldn't see what was up there.

The female delinquent threw the shopping basket in her hand to the side.

 She picked up the baseball bat and was about to rush forward.

"If it's up there, we could kill to our heart's content."

She wasn't afraid of death at all. To her, it didn't matter if it was one zombie or a hundred zombies.

They were just things to vent her anger on. 

She didn't want to live anymore since the day she killed her boyfriend who had become a zombie.

The priest stopped her and shook his head.

"That black shadow doesn't look like a zombie!"

"It's too dangerous. You'd better not go up. Wait for us downstairs."

The female delinquent frowned, tutted, and shook off his hand.

"So annoying, don't act like a coward."

With a cold look, she subconsciously bypassed Su Yan who was standing beside her, grabbed her baseball bat and then ran up the elevator.

The priest shook his head and sighed. His eyes under the black spectacle frame were so deep that it was impossible to discern his expression.

Then, he took out a knife from his clothes and walked up.

Su Yan stood at the bottom of the elevator with his hands behind his back. He looked at the backs of the female delinquent and the priest and couldn't help but think of them.

The female delinquent had been very brave since she came out with them, as if she wasn't afraid of any zombies. He had also seen the scars on her hand.

Could it be that she was not afraid of death because she had the serum to save herself from death?

Therefore, for the female delinquent, he couldn't rule out the possibility that she was not the doctor's student for the time being. 

As for the priest, he had been more cautious along the way and killed decisively, so there was no way to rule out the possibility that he was not the student.

However, he didn't have time to think too much about the current situation. Su Yan's first priority was to deal with the black shadow.

Su Yan followed them to the second floor.

At this very moment, the three of them stood at the entrance of the second floor.

The first thing he saw was a cabinet about three meters high. There were many small daily necessities, toilet paper, and other miscellaneous items on it.

However, even though they were both cabinets, the furnishings on the second floor were obviously messier than the furnishings on the first floor.

It was as if it had been turned over several times.

Su Yan and the others walked to the right. Then, they saw more cabinets falling to the ground and were a mess. 

One cabinet fell over another. It was a sight to behold to see them in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

A variety of daily necessities that were originally in the cabinet were all scattered on the ground.

"Chi Chi"

The lights on the second floor flashed one after another!

The young female delinquent smiled indifferently and directly stepped forward.

Suddenly, sounds were heard. 



One after another, the gradually weakening heartbeat suddenly sounded!

The priest's pupils suddenly contracted, and he pressed down on the female delinquent's shoulder.


The female delinquent suddenly stopped in her tracks and said impatiently.

"What's wrong?"

The priest's tone was a little unstable.

"Something's not right. Why don't we leave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the heart thumping continued, and it seemed to become louder.

And these situations were extremely exhilarating for the female delinquent.

Something's not right? Wasn't it better that something was not right?

She thought to herself, "I'll kill whoever there is. If I can't kill them, I'll just die."

She stopped impatiently and rolled her eyes at the priest behind her. "Get lost!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she started to walk forward. But before she could take a step, Su Yan, who had been silent the entire time, had already walked in with an indifferent expression.

"Guys, take a look."

He looked up at the ceiling and said indifferently.

The square ceiling was made of countless rusty steel frames, and on the steel frame that was arranged in an orderly manner, there was a huge black heart that almost took up the entire ceiling!

It was beating crazily!

"Thump! Thump! Thump!"

The frequency was getting faster and faster, and the sound of it beating was getting more and more intense!

The priest and the female delinquent followed his gaze and looked at the ceiling. The moment they looked at the ceiling, they felt as if their entire bodies had been attacked by a terrifying aura!

The female delinquent's breathing suddenly stopped. Her body trembled unconsciously and the baseball bat in her hand drooped unconsciously.

It was actually a heart! It was a huge heart that was terrifying and bloody!

At the same time, the priest, who had always been calm, carefully pushed his black glasses up and quickly took out a Bible from his clothes.

He didn't dare to look directly at the heart. After a simple glance, he lowered his head and opened the Bible, looking for something.

The page of the Holy Bible immediately stopped at one page.

The priest suddenly raised his head and said, "This is the heart of Satan!"

"Quickly run!"