Su Yan's Observation of the Woman on the Videotape

Su Yan and the others were separated and locked up in three adjacent cells.

At the same time, in a dark cell.

"Clang! Clang!"

The iron gate was closed. The entire prison cell fell silent. It was as if one could hear a pin drop.

Su Yan picked up the video recorder and put the tape inside.


The videotape started spinning in the video recorder.

There were fast forward, backward, and pause buttons on the video recorder.

A beam of light came out of the videotape and shone on the wall of the cell.

Wen Yan's face appeared on the light screen again.

"Wen Wan! Dad has developed a new type of serum..."

"I'm sure that this serum will be the hope for humans to resist the zombie virus!"


This time, Su Yan's attention wasn't on Wen Yan, the doctor of biology.

Instead, it was the back view of the student behind him.

On the screen was a short-haired woman who was about 1.65 meters tall.

Just as Wen Yan said, "I'm sure...", something flashed behind him.

Su Yan narrowed his eyes and pressed the pause button.

The woman's back and outline were somewhat familiar.

When he saw her back, Su Yan thought of the short-haired woman among the survivors.

They were somewhat similar...

However, it was a slight similarity.

He was not sure.

At the same time, he pressed the back button again and looked at it frame by frame in detail.

The entire videotape lasted for a full 30 seconds. The students' backs only appeared for 0.02s.

Su Yan was very sensitive to the capture of images, and this wasn't related to any cheats.

Then, with the addition of time deceleration, the 0.02s image became nearly 1s.

And almost every second, there was a back view.

Su Yan paused the video frame by frame and continued to analyze.

Finally, at the end of the scene, Wen Yan, the doctor of biology, looked to the left with fear in his eyes.

In the next second, the image flashed and turned into white light.

At the same time, Su Yan's eyes lit up and he pressed the back button again.

The scene also stopped at the students behind Wen Yan.

They also turned their heads to the left. It was as if something terrifying had suddenly appeared on their left.

This thing that terrified them made them stop their experiments in an instant and turn their heads in fear.

However, it was this scene of them being terrified that allowed Su Yan to discover a flaw. Among them, the short-haired woman in a white coat turned her head slightly. Then, she slowly appeared from the side.

Su Yan paused frame by frame, then pressed the back button.

Until the screen stopped at the woman's greatest movement of turning her body to the left. The white coat she was wearing was lifted slightly, but it wasn't buttoned.

It was because of this that Su Yan could see her slightly bulging stomach through the slightly lifted white coat.

She looked like she was pregnant, but she was only about four months pregnant.

The woman in charge of the kitchen among the survivors had a belly that was about 7 months old.

However, it had been about three months since the zombie crisis.

The woman's side profile and height were similar to the middle-aged woman in charge of the kitchen.

However, he couldn't make a decision just based on these.

Su Yan decided to go out and check on the female chef. He then turned off the tape.

The next second, Su Yan pressed the keyboard in his mind.

[F1, activate the wall-penetrating cheat!]

[F2, activate the invisibility cheat!]

He passed through the iron gate of the prison cell and walked out in his invisible form. 

At this moment, Su Yan already had a suspect in mind. However, it was still suspicion and he couldn't come to a conclusion.

Hence, Su Yan decided to create a zombie tide in the camp.

In this case, when everyone was bitten by the zombies, those who had the serum would naturally take out the serum and inject it into themselves.

Everything would be proven then.

Compared to eliminating those who were suspicious one by one and spending time observing, Su Yan felt that it was more efficient and less troublesome to create a zombie tide.

What he needed to do now was to figure out the structure of the prison to prepare for the next zombie tide.

The reason why he had to prepare for the zombie tide again was that Wen Wan had not woken up yet. If she could wake up, she could use her memory to recognize the more than 50 survivors and find the serum.

But now, Wen Wan had not woken up and was just struggling to survive. Hence, Su Yan was the only one who could find the serum.

By using the zombie tide, he could quickly lure everyone into danger. By then, those who had the serum would definitely throw away all their concerns and use it on themselves.

At that time, everything would be solved.

At the same time, he could make use of the zombie tide to save more people and this would increase Su Yan's power and prestige in these people's hearts.

This way, he could easily become the leader of the survivor camp and complete the mission given by the system. And creating a zombie tide would not cause him any loss at all, and he could kill two birds with one stone, so why not?

Thinking of this, he walked in the direction he came from.

He went forward in invisible mode and walked through the priest and single mother's cell.

Under the dim yellow light, he saw the priest praying under the window of the cell, holding something in his hand, and there were some shadows on the wall.

He went past his room and arrived at the cell of the single mother.

He saw the single mother take out a gold-rimmed photo frame and look at it with tears in her eyes.

It was a family photo.

The family portrait was of a man in military uniform holding her, and in the middle of them was a three-year-old boy, who was smiling widely.

It seemed that the single mother had married a soldier.

In that case, her unruffled temperament in the face of danger might have been influenced by him. 

Su Yan glanced at it and walked towards the door.

At this very moment, Su Yan stood at the entrance of the prison and peered in.

Su Yan pressed the keyboard again.

[F5, activate the see-through cheat!]