Su Yan's Observes the Prison's Layout

The structure of the prison was imprinted into Su Yan's mind like a map. The entire prison was about 30 acres. Su Yan was standing in front of the two iron gates.

The observation deck was about five meters away from the iron gate inside the prison. There were about six observation decks in the prison. There were prison guards standing on the observation decks to monitor the situation outside the prison at all times.

Therefore, the moment the zombies came in from this area, the prison warden would know about it, so they couldn't break in from here.

He could only find another place to break through.

A square building was standing on this five-acre of land. The building was divided into three areas.

On the far left was the maintenance area, where there was a central warehouse, a traffic management room, a loading zone, and a maintenance and supply center. This area was mainly responsible for the placement and storage of some firearms.

Other than the two inner and outer gates at the front of the prison, there was also a door that only the prison warden and a few prison guards knew about. The other survivors did not know about it.

This was because the door was connected to the central warehouse. The central warehouse was used to store some weapons and firearms.

Su Yan discovered the door through his see-through cheat and was the first to arrive.

In this area, the only back door was made of a hard iron door. The iron door had to be unlocked with a key, whether it was inside or outside, and only the prison warden had this key.

Perhaps because only the prison warden had the right to enter and leave, there were relatively fewer prison guards here.

There were only two prison guards standing guard outside the central warehouse. They were all equipped with walkie-talkies.

So, if the zombies wanted to come in from here, he first needed a key to open the door, and then send away the two prison guards with walkie-talkies and guns, in case they knew that the zombies had broken in and announced this to others.

Su Yan wanted the zombie tide to be a sudden attack, where the people were not equipped with any weapons and were the least prepared. Only in this way could everyone be trapped in the prison by the zombies.

In this way, Su Yan could make the prison fall in one fell swoop, and in order to do that, he had to destroy the monitoring circuits in the monitoring room and cut off the transmission of information so that news of zombies breaking into the prison would not spread to everyone.

Su Yan arrived at the second area of the building.

There was a twenty-meter-long corridor between each area.

The second area was the prison area.

In the prison area, there were prison dormitories, a surveillance room, a canteen, a labor area, a leisure area, a treatment room, and so on. All the survivors' food, drinks, entertainment, and even treatment were all here. It would take at least half an hour to run from here to the main gate. 

So basically, as long as the zombies run to this area, the survivors would have no chance of survival.

At this moment, it was already around midnight. All the survivors had returned to their dormitories to rest.

Looking across the entire prison camp, only the lights in the surveillance room were still on.

The door to the monitoring room was locked from the inside.

At the same time, in the monitoring room, a few large screens were lit up, and the screens were divided into several territories. Whether it was the survivors' dormitory, the clinic, or anywhere else, they were all shown on the screen.

Except for one place, which was the kitchen. The kitchen's screen was dark.

Because not long ago, the kitchen caught fire and there was a short circuit, so the surveillance in the kitchen was broken. And because there were no materials or people in the survivor camp who could repair it, naturally, the matter was left unsettled.

At this moment, a prison guard was sitting in front of the screen.

The prison guard yawned as he ate the congee for dinner in front of him. His vision became more and more blurry, and he subconsciously complained, "What's going on? Why did I get sleepy so easily tonight?"

Just as he finished speaking, Su Yan had already entered the room.

There was nothing unusual on the screen.

Su Yan walked over to the prison guard and glanced at the screen. There were about six screens, and each screen corresponded to a different place.

However, one of the screens showed that the bottom-left corner was black with some silver light. Usually, when this happened, it meant that there was a problem with the circuit. The word 'kitchen' was written in the lower right corner of the area.

Su Yan's eyes darkened.

At this moment, in the kitchen, the middle-aged pregnant woman with short hair had just turned off the tap. She and a few others would gather together to wash the dishes every night.

However, she was mainly in charge of cooking, while the rest of the women were in charge of washing the dishes and so on.

At this moment, one of the women in a floral dress waved at her and walked out of the door.

"Chen Yun, it's already 10 p.m. It's almost time for us to go back."

"Are you leaving?"

This woman, whose nickname was Chen Yun, was the short-haired woman who was in charge of cooking.

She smiled and wiped her wet hands on her body. She shook her head at the woman in the floral dress and said, "It's fine. I still have to figure out what to do tomorrow. You guys can go back first. I'll go back soon."

The woman in the floral dress nodded and followed the other women out of the kitchen.

As soon as these people left, her expression changed, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

The next second, she scanned her surroundings and walked toward the central area with a cold expression.