There's only Air in the Syringe!

At the same time, Su Yan was already standing behind a few computer screens.

The wires behind the computer were complicated. Su Yan looked at the wires and realized that all of them were connected to one main power line.

The main power line was connected to a main plug on the wall. Su Yan looked in the direction of the main plug.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound. 


Su Yan turned around warily.

He saw the bowl of rice soup that the prison guard was holding fall to the ground.

The rice soup was spilled all over the ground.

The prison guard, on the other hand, seemed to be drunk as he slammed his head down on the table and snored.

In an instant, Su Yan walked through the wall. At this very moment, Chen Yun arrived at the door of the monitoring room and stopped. She looked at the watch on her left wrist and then opened the door calmly. It was as if she already knew that the prison guard inside had fallen asleep.

After a while, she walked directly to the main power supply. Then, she nimbly pulled out the main power switch. In an instant, the screen of every area on the computer turned black.

In the next second, a triumphant smile appeared on her face as she turned around and walked toward the corridor on the right.

The room connecting the central area and the right area was the clinic.

She looked around and knew that there would be no one around at this time, so she went straight to the clinic.

At the same time, Wen Wan was lying on the bed with a calm face. Her face was covered with a ventilator, which was connected to the electrocardiogram machine next to her.

The circuit on the monitor of the electrocardiogram machine was still fluctuating.

Meanwhile, the doctor who was keeping watch in the clinic had already left.

Hence, only Wen Wan and the young female delinquent were left in the room, lying there quietly.

In reality, the middle-aged female doctor that the prison warden had ordered would give Wen Wan a tranquilizer and anesthetic every day.

As long as Wen Wan didn't die, they would try to reduce the dosage and food.

The female delinquent, who was lying next to Wen Wan, was in a similar situation. They were all injected with tranquilizer and anesthetic and were sleeping soundly on the bed.

However, Wen Wan's zombified state was more serious.

As for the middle-aged female doctor, she would come over to take a few glances every day. As long as there was no abnormality, she would lock the door and leave.

Chen Yun knew this through observation. Naturally, she knew what time there would be no one around in the clinic. 

At this very moment, Chen Yun was walking on the way to the clinic. Her expression was hard to read. She walked to the door of the clinic, took out a thin and long wire, and inserted it into the keyhole.

Su Yan was standing by the door, his eyes fixed on her. He knew that this woman was related to the serum. It didn't matter if she was a student of the doctor. Her series of actions told Su Yan that she was here to look for Wen Wan.

She avoided everyone because she had a secret that she was afraid of being discovered, especially by Su Yan.

Su Yan had just been locked up today, and she couldn't wait to take action. Chen Yun had been planning this all along.

The moment Su Yan brought in Wen Wan who was about to turn into a zombie, she felt that her slightly stable life had suddenly set off a huge wave!

She had to eliminate this wave without Su Yan knowing!

That was why she had to act tonight.

At this very moment.


The door opened.

Chen Yun closed the door as soon as she entered the room. She let out a breath and turned around to look at Wen Wan on the bed.

In the dark clinic, the ventilator was still making a series of sounds. The electrocardiogram on the screen of the ventilator was still fluctuating.

At this moment, Wen Wan was sleeping soundly on the bed without moving, her chest still rising and falling slightly.

Chen Yun walked to her side and looked at Wen Wan with a strange look in her eyes.

Then, she calmly rubbed Wen Wan's hand that was inserted with the drip.


The drip in the bottle on the high shelf beside her was slowly flowing into Wen Wan's body through the venous detaining needle in her hand.

Chen Yun laughed and said to Wen Wan.

"Open your eyes and stop pretending."

Wen Wan slowly opened her eyes.

Su Yan, who was standing at the side in stealth mode, was surprised.

So she had been pretending all along?

At this moment, Wen Wan looked at Chen Yun in front of her with a trace of gentleness in her eyes.

That was her father's student, Chen Yun.

Wen Wan tried to speak to Chen Yun, but she could not do so and her body could not move.

"Still pretending?" Chen Yun sneered.

At the same time, she pulled out an air syringe and wanted to jab it into Wen Wan's artery. In medical terms, injecting about 10 ml of air into the artery could lead to life-threatening danger. Wen Wan obviously did not expect Chen Yun to want to kill her. Her pupils instantly contracted!

At this point, Chen Yun might have been afraid that Wen Wan would turn into a zombie, so even if the target was her former teacher's daughter, she was not willing to take out the serum. Instead, she wanted to kill her to keep herself safe.

Wen Wan immediately raised her hand and tried to stop her.

Su Yan went through the wall and exited the door. At the same time, he canceled his invisibility and kicked the door open.


A bone-chilling voice rang out in the room!

"What are you doing?"

At that moment, Chen Yun's eyes were dull as she looked at Su Yan who had suddenly barged in.

At the same time, Wen Wan quickly closed her eyes and put down her hand.

The moment Su Yan kicked the door open, she opened her eyes slightly and pretended to have just woken up. Immediately, she whimpered a few times and tried to talk to Su Yan, but she couldn't speak and her body couldn't move.

Chen Yun reacted with a look of disbelief!

"How could you be here? You clearly...!"

Su Yan sneered, "I'm here to see my own people. Then why are you here?"

At the same time, Chen Yun stammered as she hid the syringe behind her back.

"I... I'm here..."

Su Yan narrowed his eyes and said indifferently.

"Don't try to hide what you are trying to do, get lost!"

Chen Yun's heart trembled. She glanced at the two of them and ran out of the door!


The treatment room returned to silence.

Su Yan and Wen Wan's eyes met at this moment.

Wen Wan looked at him. Her eyes were calm, but her heart was already in turmoil.

How she wished she could kill him personally one day!

Whether it was her body or the videotape, everything had been taken away by Su Yan. He didn't care about anyone's life, he only cared about his own interests. To him, everyone was just a tool.

If it wasn't for the news of the serum, she probably wouldn't have been able to survive. So, she wanted him dead more than anyone else.

Su Yan opened his mouth.

"When did you wake up?"

Wen Wan coughed with a calm face, and a weak voice came out of her throat.

"When you came in."

Su Yan said, "So, can you tell who has the serum?"

Wen Wan shook her head.

"Do you know that woman?"

Wen Wan shook her head again and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know her. My father's students have been busy with scientific research, so I didn't have the chance to meet them. "

At this point, a trace of killing intent flashed through Wen Wan's calm eyes. However, it was only for a moment and was not easy to detect.

She continued, "But I have a way to find the serum."

Su Yan raised his eyebrows and touched Wen Wan's eyes and nose. He teased her, "What method?"

"Create a zombie tide." Wen Wan felt nauseated by his touch, but her face remained expressionless.

As for the serum, that was just empty talk. The only reason she said that was to kill him. Since she didn't have the ability to kill him, she would make use of the zombie tide to kill Su Yan!

Just as she finished speaking, Su Yan was stunned.

Wen Wan's idea was one that Su Yan had thought of a long time ago.

However, Wen Wan didn't know that Su Yan had been secretly planning the zombie tide.

Su Yan's corner of the mouth rose and asked, "And then?" 

"Although I don't remember what my father's students look like," Wen Wan said slowly, "After creating a zombie tide, those who have the serum will naturally take out the serum to protect themselves from being infected by the zombie poison, right?"

Su Yan looked into her eyes and said, "Alright."

"Take care of yourself."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out.

Perhaps, Wen Wan did this because she was afraid of pointing out the person with the serum. If that happened, the person with the serum would be exposed, and that would mean that she would expose her father's student to danger.

If the person who had the serum was Chen Yun, she would have killed Wen Wan to protect herself.

Then, the reason why Chen Yun wanted to kill Wen Wan tonight was valid.

Therefore, the only way to prevent what happened tonight from happening again was to create a zombie tide to protect Wen Wan's life.