He Was the "God" of this Prison!

At this very moment, night fell. The sun had already hid behind the mountains, and the round moon rose in the sky again. The moonlight slowly seeped through the glass window of Su Yan's cell.

Su Yan's gaze shifted from the biscuit in the corner of the cell to the window.

His eyes darkened as he thought to himself. It was time to take action.

At the same time, in the clinic, the moonlight shone into the ward. Suddenly, the door of the clinic was kicked open. Wen Wan, who was lying on the bed, was obviously shocked, but in the eyes of others, she was still lying there peacefully.

A prison guard was pushing a mobile bed, and beside the mobile bed was the middle-aged female doctor.

The middle-aged female doctor asked anxiously, "What's going on? Why would the prison warden fly into a rage over a woman and even demand that I save her?"

The prison guard who was pushing the mobile bed was also confused.

"I'm not sure! When I was outside the warden's office, I only heard something about the serum."

The middle-aged female doctor's eyes flashed with surprise. She looked at Chen Yun on the bed for a while, and the surprise in her eyes disappeared in an instant.

"I see. How did this woman get into this state?"

The prison guard said helplessly, "I heard that it was caused by an air syringe that was injected into the artery."

Hearing this, the middle-aged female doctor's eyes flashed with a trace of coldness. She couldn't believe it.

A pregnant woman who was in charge of cooking actually knew that injecting air into the artery would lead to death?

It seemed that this woman must have some medical knowledge. As for why she wanted to commit suicide, she had no idea.

Then the reason why the prison warden wanted to save her might be because of the whereabouts of the serum.

At this moment, Chen Yun was lying on the hospital bed and was on the verge of death.

The middle-aged female doctor immediately sent her into the operating room and said, "Hurry up and bring me the surgical equipment. If you're one step late, she'll be beyond saving!"


She had just finished speaking. 


The door of the operating room inside the clinic was closed.

Wen Wan opened her eyes. Her beautiful eyes were filled with endless coldness.

She had never thought that Chen Yun would commit suicide, but that had nothing to do with her.

Thinking of this, she looked out of the window of the ward and saw that the moonlight had already descended.

At this time, there were already some zombies' moans coming from outside the prison.

Wen Wan closed her eyes. Finally, the day had come.

At the same time, in the prison warden's resting room, a trace of lascivious aura floated in the room filled with the fragrance of wine. A naked woman on the bed was licking Lin Shen's lips.

Lin Shen, who reeked of alcohol, was panting with enjoyment as he hugged the woman. He chuckled and touched the pink on her chest. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "It's not enough,"

The woman groaned and slowly bent her body. Then, she slid her fair and tender body to the lower half of the warden's body. With a charming face, she opened her cherry-like mouth and took it in her mouth.

In Lin Shen's eyes, the woman's face seemed to overlap with Chen Yun's face seven months ago. The woman looked at him charmingly and then was doing her best to suck his lower body.

Lin Shen let out an "Ah" sound and pressed the woman's head hard with his fingers. The woman's head slowly rose as she huffed and puffed, while he violently wrapped her head with his.

A day's spring night was worth thousands of gold.

The woman served Lin Shen with all her heart. Lin Shen was immersed in this floating happiness.

After a while, the woman slowly revealed her intentions. She wanted to praise the prison warden more so that she could get some food to eat.

Once the prison warden was drunk, he was no longer as cold and fierce as he usually was. On the contrary, it was easy for her to get anything she wanted.

Thinking of this, she spoke, "Warden, you're so handsome!"

Lin Shen sneered as if he had thought of something. He then said, "More handsome than that Su Yan?"

"That's for sure. Who does Su Yan think he is? He's just a chess piece in your hand, our survivor camp still depends on you, warden!"

Lin Shen's face immediately lit up. Su Yan was just his prisoner. So what if he was so powerful?

To the prison warden, even if Su Yan didn't die today, he would die tomorrow.

Regarding the matter of finding the serum, although he had to rely on Su Yan before, the day Su Yan threatened his position, he had made up his mind to get rid of Su Yan even if he couldn't find the serum.

And now that Su Yan's freedom had been restricted, he was not threatened at all.

The woman on top of Lin Shen saw this and continued, "Also, prison warden, whether it's looks, power, or women, you're better than him in every way."

"He's lucky to be able to compete with you, prison warden, it's his eight lifetimes of cultivation!"

Lin Shen was getting happier and happier as he listened!

But of course, who was he? He was the "God" of this prison!

Without him, how could there be order in the camp?

In this prison, whether it was food, women, or power, if he dared to rank first, no one would dare to rank second!

Thinking of this, he grabbed the woman's butt and pulled her under his body.

In an instant, the woman let out a comfortable "Ah!"

"So, such a powerful warden, can you fulfill a wish of mine?"

Lin Shen had already lost his mind. He watched as the woman floated up and down under him. At this time, the woman's face once again overlapped with Chen Yun's face.

Lin Shen was completely immersed in the pleasure of his body as he mumbled, "I'll agree to everything. As long as Chen Yun says it, I'll agree to it."