The Zombie Tide Invasion

the prison gate.

There was a manhole cover on the side of the road that was about the size of two zombies. This was going to be Su Yan's crime scene. 

Su Yan looked at his watch. It was 1.30 a.m. There was still half an hour before the zombie tide arrived.

He lifted the cover and jumped into the sewer. Then, he covered the entrance of the sewer with the manhole cover in case the zombies came in before the tide.

At the same time, almost all the survivors in the prison had fallen asleep. The rest of the people were engaged in different activities. Some were intoxicated with alcohol, some were whoring or gambling, some were praying in the prison, and some were undergoing surgery in the clinic.

Some were waiting for Su Yan to die.

Other than Wen Wan, no one knew what terrifying things would happen next.

Imagine opening your eyes drowsily and seeing the bloody face of a zombie right in front of you. Or when you were happily playing cards with your friends and countless zombies suddenly barged into your room.

Then, in the next second, they would use their rancid and dirty mouths to bite you fiercely. How did it feel?

He didn't even need to think about it, and he already felt that it was amazing, and all of this was within Su Yan's control.

No one knew what he was planning.

At this moment, in the sewer, the surroundings were extremely dark. The sewer had already dried up as no water passed through it. 

On the broken walls, there was countless debris. From time to time, a few rats and cockroaches would crawl by.

Su Yan's face remained calm. He took out the chicken blood he had prepared and dripped it into the sewer one drop at a time, each drop around one meter away from the next drop.

This sewer would lead to the manhole cover on the field within the prison. He could lure the zombies through this sewer. 

As all the movements were underground, there was a high probability that they would not alert the enemy.

And even if they were discovered, it would have been too late. By then, the people in the prison would have been surrounded by countless zombies.

In a short while, Su Yan had already drenched the entire sewer with blood. After that, Su Yan went back the same way he came through the manhole.

Outside the prison, a manhole cover suddenly moved. It was removed by Su Yan who climbed out of the sewer, still in stealth mode, and glanced at his watch.

The time now was 00:59 a.m.

Seeing this, Su Yan's lips curled up and he disappeared into the corner of the street.

The next second, at the end of the road, there was a rumbling sound. 

A deafening vibration sounded. 


A zombie was charging towards the subway. It was attracted by the fresh blood. It sniffed a few times and then jumped into the sewer.

Then, one, ten, fifty... A hundred zombies started to run towards the manhole cover from the side of the road!

"Thump thump."

They jumped down one after another. It was a spectacular scene!

Outside the prison, the street, which had been slightly calm a moment ago, was now filled with noises. Over 100 zombies were running towards the end of the street like crazy demons.

The spotlights from the observation deck were scanning the scene outside the prison. A beam of light flashed across the faces of more than a hundred zombies.

The prison was as quiet as usual.

"Little Wang! You lose, bring me the food!"

One of the prison guards on the observation deck, who was rather fat, heard the movement and threw the cards in his hand on the card table.

The bespectacled prison guard opposite him had a helpless look on his face. He pushed up his glasses and then threw all the cards in his hand on the table, scolding with a smile.

"I'll go! You're really good. You've already won a few rounds against me. Can't you just give in to me?"

As soon as his voice fell, the sound of the zombie tide outside the high wall became more intense.

The bespectacled prison guard was clearly shocked by the sudden vibration, but he recovered within a second. He sighed and continued, "Hey, I'm not playing anymore! It's fine if you lose, but you'll also be scared by the zombie tide outside."

The chubby prison guard laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Why are you so timid? I'm not even afraid. Every night at this time, there will be a zombie tide outside. It's nothing to be surprised about. Also, our camp's protection mechanism is so strong that even if the Corpse King comes with a zombie tide, they can't do anything to us. Don't worry, hurry up and play a few more rounds with me!"

The man with glasses took a deep breath and pointed at the fat prison guard. He laughed and scolded, "Okay, okay, okay. But if I still lose, I won't play with you tomorrow! You b*stard!"

"Alright, I'll let you win this round!" The fat guard laughed.

At the same time, in the prison dormitory, a child who couldn't sleep was snuggling in his mother's arms.

His mother was sleeping soundly.

The sound of the zombie tide outside could be heard in the dormitory.

Every night, the child would hear a similar sound.

But today, the sound was even more intense, like the sound of the water pipe in the dormitory wall.

The insensible child nudged his mother beside him and said, "Mom, who's playing outside so late at night? I can't sleep. Can I go out and play?"

His mother unconsciously stretched herself while being nudged, and at the same time, she unconsciously grunted. The child's face was instantly filled with joy. He immediately got up and walked out of the dormitory.

The child's dormitory was on the first floor, and the field was connected to the door.

At the same time, in the prison warden's resting room, the prison warden was still entangled with the woman.

At this time, the sound of the zombie tide outside was intermittently transmitted into the room.

The woman snuggled into Lin Shen's arms in fear and said coquettishly, "Prison warden, I'm scared. Hold me tightly."

Lin Shen hugged the woman tightly and patted her butt. He snorted coldly, "The warden is with you. Even if the zombies come, you don't have to be afraid."

The woman flirted and touched Lin Shen's chest with her fingertips, pretending to be stupid. "Why?"

Just as she finished speaking, Lin Shen bit the woman's lips, and the two of them laughed together. 

And at this very moment, the lights in the operation room of the clinic were still bright.

At this time, Wen Wan had already heard the sound of the zombie tide outside the door.

Then, she looked at the moonlight outside the window with a calm face and muttered to herself with an indescribable expression.

"It's time."