All Good Things Came to an End




Over a hundred zombies were running madly in the crowded sewer.

In less than two minutes, the manhole cover on the field was broken by the zombies. More and more zombies came out of the sewer. The quiet field was filled with a series of rustling sounds.

At this moment, the sound of "Ka -- da" was heard. 

The little boy had just opened the door of the first-floor dormitory building. The boy's face was full of naivety as he opened the door happily. When he saw the scene outside, he immediately screamed!


Dozens of zombies that had crawled out slowly turned their heads, their green eyes turning towards the little boy.

The moment their eyes met, the little boy's hands trembled and he was stunned. He didn't even have the intention to run away. All he did was shout, "Mummy! Mummy! There are bad guys!"

"Mummy... Ah!"

Before the little boy could finish his sentence, he was already torn in half by the zombies that had rushed over!

His thin and small body instantly became a mess of organs and blood splattered out. His pair of eyes, which were still filled with curiosity and innocence about the world, fell to the ground and were torn into a pool of blood and flesh. 

Under the moonlight, all good things came to an end. 

The zombies' revelry began.

Suddenly, a fire stick with flames rolled down from the high wall. In an instant, the prison was lit up by the fire. The fire spread throughout the prison. 

Balls of flames were like lava, burning the 30-acre prison!

The flames seemed to be celebrating the victory of the zombie tide. They burned wantonly and plundered madly.

Merciless gnawing, passionate revelry.

At this time, all the zombies in the sewer had already rushed into the prison. They were running heartlessly, wantonly destroying everything they see.

The crazy zombies rushed into the rooms, the corridors, and every corner of the prison. They were rampaging!


The moment the mother, who was awoken by the little boy's voice, opened her eyes, a bloody face with a strong rancid smell of blood appeared in front of her. Her pupils contracted.


The next second, the pure-colored blanket and the snow-white walls were instantly covered in blood! The desperate cries before death reverberated through the entire dormitory building.

All the survivors were woken up by the noise.

In the blink of an eye, the survivors who suddenly woke up fell victim to the assault of the zombie tide.

They didn't even have time to take any other measures. The only thing in their minds was to escape!

They rushed out of the room in despair, down the stairs, and rushed to the prison gate.

But what use was that?

Zombies and flames were everywhere. There was only death awaiting them. They couldn't escape the fierce siege of the zombie tide at all. They were running and shouting.


"I don't want to die!"

At this moment of life and death, they were only left with the instinct to survive, and they couldn't care about anything else. 

A burly man was running to the dormitory building with his wife, but he was stopped by a few zombies that were rushing into the building.

His wife tried her best to push the zombies away.

She shouted, "Hubby, hold on a little longer. We can escape this!"

"Even if we die, we have to be together!"

But in the next second, the husband pushed his wife towards the zombies that were surrounding them and ran out with a panicked expression.

"I just want to live!"

The moment she was pushed away by her husband, his wife's gentle eyes were suddenly filled with fear. Immediately after, her delicate body disappeared under the densely packed zombies and turned into a pool of blood.

At the same time, on the observation deck not far from the prison gate, when the prison guards heard the zombies' moans, they were stunned.

The bespectacled prison guard said with a frown, "Hey, fatty, don't you think the zombies' screams are a little louder today? I feel like they are very close to us."

The fat prison guard played a card and said perfunctorily, "Don't scare me, okay? We're so close to the door, isn't it normal for the screams to be a little louder?"

Just as he finished speaking, the chubby prison guard's heart was suddenly pierced by a long and sharp corpse hand. It was a terrifying hand with nails that had evolved into pure black hard armor.


The fat guard spit out a ball of blood, and his blood splattered everywhere.

At that moment, the face of the prison guard opposite him was covered in blood. His eyes suddenly glazed over, and he subconsciously wanted to run back.

The moment he turned his head, the thin bespectacled prison guard's head was snapped in half by the zombie. The observation deck was instantly covered in blood.

The blood glowed brighter under the moonlight.

The other pillars of the observation deck, which were seven or eight meters high, were already covered by zombies.

The next second, sounds were heard. 

"Tu tu tu tu!"

The other prison guards on the observatory deck reacted.

Some of them picked up their walkie-talkies and tried to report to the prison warden, but they were killed by the zombies before they could do so.

Some of them had already picked up their sniper rifles and were shooting at the zombies that were climbing up.

Some of the zombies didn't climb up but ran up the stairs to the deck. One by one, the zombies that were climbing up were shot down by the bullets.

The zombie that was knocked down emitted green light from its eyes and roared angrily, "He~He!"

A few consecutive "bang" sounds were heard. The zombies fell to the ground.

However, the sniping of the sniper rifle could no longer solve the problem!

No matter how much they fired, they couldn't stop the number of zombies and their attacks!

It was too late for them to defend!

The number of zombies that were shot and fell to the ground was insubstantial to the countless zombies that were climbing up.

It was a stark contrast. 

One of the prison guards who was firing at the zombies was scared by the zombies that were climbing up and ran back!


However, when he turned around, he was surrounded by several zombies with green eyes.


Four or five zombies attacked the prison guard from both sides.

In the end, the prison guard's body was dismembered into flesh and blood by the zombie horde. Blood, organs, and flesh splattered everywhere.

At that time, there was another bloody human corpse on the observatory deck.