2.11.3 The Sewer Massacre.

Insufficiency of information causes many to make small mistakes.

A man driven by revenge would also never make any sound actions. They will give priority to their desires more than reason. Hence turning nuisance and an unpredictable element wherever they go.

And this is the state Maisel was in, he was no more than a liability, but useful nonetheless.

The priority of Maxim has never changed since arriving in this city, he still prioritized the safety of the citizens of this country. and from the last experience he had in that dream world, he understood one fact.

"The Puppeteer is not against us."

He had helped him in some sense, showing him the real mastermind behind whatever was going on in this place.

Or at least, their goals intersected in one part at least. Both of them wanted to stop the Blue Lotus or the resurrection of a demi god figure.

Making him an unlikely ally.