2.12.1 Time to shine.

What is a soul?

The core essence of what made us human?

The spiritual aspect of a living being?

Or just the next step of growth a person experiences after one dies?

Just like a child grows from a fetus to a baby to a child, then after death, it becomes a spirit, not of this world.

But to Blue Lotus, their understanding of Soul was different.

"If a soul is a blank book, then the memories and experiences are the ink that are stamped up on it, becoming a true spirit."

It was the belief they held, treating the spirit, an amalgamation of soul and memories as nothing more than a book.

A book that gets reprinted each time it goes into reincarnation cycle, losing all its ink and what it made a person. Before taking in new ink to become someone entirely else.

And to most of the world, the lost ink can never come back. Once one goes through a "reprint", the lost text on that book can never be recovered.

Turning it into a death, but not a true one. For a soul is ever immortal.