2.20.3 Martial Law

"You are one of the knights?" Remira asked, curious why a blue eye would hold such power, unless they are part of the regiment of knights that recently entered Durum.

But the man called Three just shook his head. "Not truly… I was just thrown here as an eye for punishment. But won't lie, I am enjoying this work a bit too much." With those words, Three looked at the sky and continued. "But we should talk later, the others should be coming here soon."

Then he picked up the body of One while Number Two helped Remira on her feet, while they exited from the back, leaving Levon on the floor with a broken face.

At the end of the day, without distance, Levon just had a normal physique, getting punched by an adept knight was enough to take him out. And unlike other Knights, this one just happened to love sneak attacks.

One of the many reasons he was punished to work here as an eye. Though, those details were for later. One can just say, Levon's luck was not good this time.