2.21.1 I want to go out.

The world was a lot different than before, for there was complete silence even when the sun was at its highest. Looking down from the clock tower, there was nothing and no one in the streets, beside a few outposts of the military in the middle of streets and some police presence that were forcefully enlisted in the army and given a cap denoting their identity.

Because at the end of the day, the military still can't cover up the whole city and there is also the fact that a war can break at any time on the borders, which might affect their forces. So a part of the army still remained at the barracks, ready for deployment.

"Just what happened?" Kairut wondered, looking in the room where Jester's new body hid, then he slowly closed the door to it holding it with a simple incantation.

There was no going back for him, things had progressed to an unexpected point for Kairut, but he still kept something in his hand which Jester didn't know.