2.21.2 Dorian District

Call it intuition, but Remira always thought that things were not going right since the start. As if everything was made to distract them from the real thing. It was as if they had overlooked something very important.

But the world doesn't run on intuition, Haseem was not going to let Remira go out just based on her intuition, when she didn't have any concrete reasons beside "feeling something weird. "Show me your blade technique and I would evaluate if you possess the means to defend yourself." Haseem said, while handling Remira a knife with intricate carving on it, just like the one her lost sword used to have.

Which Remira took from Haseem's hand gladly, and used the wall as her target and showed what she could with a stationary target to Haseem. Who at the end nodded at her accomplishment.