2.23.3 Misty

"You there… I believe it's the clown?" Pansar asked, his face brimming with smile and desire. As for what that desire was, it was something very simple. "Because if you are him, I can finally cut your neck."

Remira on the side, hearing such words put her guard up. She knows what happened to Farhad's body, at least she understood the gist of it. As for the details, she was not aware of them as much.

But seeing his body here and obviously under control of some stranger, she found him threatening and when Pansar's previous words were taken into account, this was the very being that protected her.

The very person due to him that she was alive at the moment. But instead of feeling safe on his arrival, she felt nothing beside hate and disgust. Seeing the body of Farhad puppeteer'ed by something else was unnatural in her eyes. A blasphemous act done toward the dead.