2.23.2 Don't worry, for I am here.

A blood knight, servants of the Noble Nocturnal and beings of immense power that might rival the Radiant knights at their peak.

They were beings that protected their masters while they slept during the day, while at night, they went on a hunt to find food for their master. And in return, they were given immense power through blood, a power that differed depending on the abilities of their master, their source of strength was their master.

But when these so-called masters die, a rot would take hold of such powerful knights. Just like their master who had returned to earth, the body of these knights also attempted to return to earth and the only way to prevent the fall was for one to drink fresh blood while consuming the flesh of your fallen master in regular intervals.

A method that fools the blood origin in ones body to think that the master is still alive, but there was a limit to it. And Pansar knew that there was not much time for him left.