2.25.2 A fight to look forward to.

It's the curse of sleep in Gregory Street that called her here. But that matter was already not important to her. The goal of destroying whatever Blue Lotus was cooking was far more important. Not to mention, from what she understood, Maxim Hailey might still be alive, as the attack of Lecarth was just to kidnap him from all the investigation done by Maisel's men.

As for how long he will stay alive, saving him as early as possible for a priority as well.

Or so Remira thought for a while, before a beastly look appeared over her face as she questioned. "Where do you come into this… working for them and now helping us?" Her voice held hate as well as anger, what happened to Pierta, the figure she saw in her mind was still fresh.

And the story of what happened in Yethel was never forgotten by her. She knows this being that stands in front of her was not kind. No, he was a cruel being that tortures his victims to no end. Even Farhad was sacrificed just to call his father to this city.