2.25.3 Burn!!

"Mummy, I don't like it here." A young girl said, while shivering in the cold, as her mother took her into her bosom, warming her up.

"I know… no one likes the cold. I have asked ….. to light up some woods." Names that the girl didn't know flowed out of the woman's mouth, but the young girl didn't find it odd. All she thought was her fate and why she had to live here."

"Mummy… you know what I mean… I have seen in the books, there are places that stay warm throughout the years… why can't we go and live there?" The young girl asked, much to her mother's dismay who wondered if she should say it or not.

"It's true, there are places that are warmer than our home. But they are dangerous as well."

"Dangerous? Hah! Papa can hunt four wolves on his own, who can even defeat him?" The young girl proudly said to her mother, while waving her hand in the air, but when the cold hit her hand, she hurriedly stuff them back into her blanket.