2.27.3 Give me peace in this dream.

"We are not that deep, they might already be dead," Kairut spoke while looking at the ceiling that was crumbling under the impact of their fight. Their little fight had attracted the outpost that should be the closest to this place.

And if the thoughts of these men had Maisel in their mind, they would ultimately die by their own hands. A sad end to those that just wanted to make this world better.

But Maisel on the other hand was not in the mood for such a scare, creating a mask through earth magic. He covered his face while picking his son up after coaxing him out of his confusion. Before turning to Kairut and asking. "They called me here, you are here as well. Meaning you should know where this will lead us?" 

At those words, Kairut looked toward the pool of sewage and then continued. "It's a closed teleportation circle, unless those on the other side activate it, it would remain dormant. The best we can do is wait."