2.27.4 Time to convene.

It was four hundred years ago when the traces of their lost god were detected in place. It was a time, when the land was isolated, covered in the woods of an ancient forest.

But it was this discovery that led to the downfall of Blue Lotus, as countless of their believers in an attempt to acquire the knowledge left by their god, went on to explore the forest on their own, letting the truth out about this place.

Which led to the creation of the city. A mistake that they regret to this day. If not controlling their members properly, then they would have been able to act in this place freely, without the need to hide.

Though, this hate existed only till they met a bizarre wraith that came to them in their dreams.

"The art in the sewers is ugly and won't work, the foundation is weak.' He found their attempt of reviving their god laughable. He claimed to have witnessed a revival of the likes before and had scars to prove it.