2.28.3 Love

A walk in the streets with candy in her hands and a faceless woman by her side. The girl enjoyed this journey as the world around her crumbled and melded into each other, only ever existing where her eyes turned.

How long it has been, she doesn't remember. All she knows is that the wolf-like uncle that gave her the candy was kind, while the dog-like aunty that sold the fish was very greedy.

Though, none of that mattered as she enjoyed her walk in this small globe-like world filled with lots of mystical beings that would treat her like a princess wherever she went.

Though, soon this small world was breached by a piece of crystal that flew and directly struck the head of the little girl, causing her head to crack like porcelain. 

While in the real world, the old woman that was dreaming such a peaceful dream opened her eyes for a few seconds, before she fell into sleep once again. Unaware of what happened or what was going to happen to her.