2.28.4 True past.

Bleeding from head to toe, with one eye leaking and countless claw marks all over her body.

The young and weak Remira, with a tick in hand, was fighting against the beasts that came to claim her mother's body.

Whether it was a dream or not, she didn't know anymore. No, it would be more appropriate to say, she didn't care about it at all.

Even with a young body that was too weak to wield a sword, with a stick that would shatter with a simple impact, she flayed around, dodging the bites and swipes of wolves, some of whom used to be her family.

But no matter how hard she tried, how hard she danced among the attacks, the beasts of winter were too much for a small girl like her.  Even with the boost that the blood of Radiant gave to her, letting her experience her peak. She was still too weak to fight against the monsters.

As as tired she was and feeling fatigued she was asking her to just close her eyes and accept her fate. She kept on fighting.