3.02.2 New target.

After last night's drinking and some contemplation, Max went back to his normal self. Hiding in the public, which was hard considering he was one of the rare humans among dwarven cities, he searched for his new prey.

Stopping didn't make sense as he didn't earn much from yesterday's little outing. Meaning he had to do something if he planned to maintain his intake of supplements that were slowly helping him forge a new and stronger body.

Which was hard to come by in this city. But he had to do everything for his goal. He is going to make everyone pay for their heinous actions against his daughter. All of them deserved death.

Though, for some reason or what an instinct, Max's eyes darted around the crowd, looking for the dwarf who used to own that apartment. Was it out of anger at the injustice of all those who suffered in that place?

Or was Max's own way of searching for some meaning in his life?