3.02.3 Time to end them.

A simple gamble, a gift in a way. This was what my challenge was about. A way to give this man a prize unlike any other. A prize of hope, which let him feel as if he was in control of his destiny. A kind gesture on my front to the man who had to steal the eye of an adept knight.

Which was really hard as he was adept as well. And not the kind who is good at strength, direct confrontation was impossible for this man. He was too weak for it. So I always found it amusing how he used the area to his advantage. 

Wearing dark clothes that meld into the night, he kept his eye on the target. A stubby dwarf whose age was hard to pinpoint due to the beard that covered his face. But the two guards behind him along with a car was proof enough that the man was not simple.

Making many of the workers that were leaving the factory, maintain some distance. Of course, with some exceptions.