3.10.6 I know where she is.

Fear and anger took hold over the mother of the child, hearing the kidnapper's words, she shouted loudly. "Don't come in from the window…"

"Ma'am… This was our…!" The guard next to her tried to stop her, but she punched him on his shoulders while announcing. "You want him to kill my child?" She said in delirium, not understanding that no matter what happens an adept level assassin won't even ruin the only edge he had against a total of three Master level figures.

And yes, there were a total of three figures, one on the outside, one in the room, and the last one hiding, waiting for the opportunity to strike the intruder and take him down.

Whose existence was unknown to everyone in this room. So they did what they could, unaware of the hidden backup they had. While Max enjoyed his current position. "Looks like the lady is the smartest one here."