3.10.7 Awakened.

Max was filled with rage and anger most of which was directed towards me.

'How dare he.' He thought.

How dare I hide such information from him? All the pain and anger of his loss, which has lowered over time, exploded again after hearing my words. He even wondered why at this moment I would ask him for this. Why would I use such important information at this point?

But none of that mattered at the moment

This was his chance, this was the moment he could finally find the true fate of his daughter. A fate he had been scared to confront or even think about. But now that he has the answer in front of him and all he has to do is reach toward it, he is not going to back down, no matter how harsh and sad the fate of his daughter might be.

Regret as he might, he is going to face it. He is going to do his best to succeed at this mission even if he has to put his life on the line.