3.14.1 Money wasted.

There was never a silent night in the city of Bothal, but constant little incidents have made it much quieter than it was ever before. With few exceptions, the city was on edge. People always worried for their safety, with the old among them recalling the old days of uncertainty before industrialization.

The time when the trust between the clans was not established and fights would break out constantly.

Such was the state of the city now. 

But while for most it was a time filled with uncertainty, few among them were treating it more as an opportunity.

What of the high police presence?

The police never cared for big incidents, they were focused on dealing with another one of the assassin's attacks, so much so that they feared dispatching when small thievery happened in a home or a fight broke out among some drunkards.

This was the perfect time for the pickpockets and the small-time criminals from the gutters to earn some money.