3.14.2 I want in.

"Would have preferred if I would have camped in the other points." Sheva made a snarky comment, to which Max could only shake his head.

There was no need for him to tell Sheva why he denied all those suggestions. Even though Sheva intends to help him, the coming battle will be a dangerous one. With individual ways out of his league, it would be harder for him to keep them occupied.

And although the distance would obviously ruin the amount of support that Sheva could provide him, it was better than dying.

"I will go to the north and keep a watch from there." With those words, Max disappeared from Sheva's sight. Leaving her alone on her own while he took a different angle to keep watch over the small mansion that was situated over the hill.

An odd choice to choose is a safe house with a cemetery close to the house, making the surroundings emptier than usual.