4.02.2 Lies exposed.

Remira's choice was not as odd as one might assume in her place.

Even with the protection provided by her blood of Radiance, she has somewhat fallen for the trap of these people, while someone without any such defense like Farhad remains unaffected.

If not for his prompt, something bad would have happened. So she was thankful for his wake-up call. 

And due to the very reason this man or the people in this place were somehow able to influence her actions, she made the choice to eliminate them if they came across her again.

It's the only way to make sure they don't harm her anymore. As for how they did it, that can be investigated later. 

Or so she had thought.

"Wonderful, that friend of yours was somehow able to break free from the allure." A voice, awfully similar to Doctor Dinesh Pal. The one, whose neck bled in front of her.