4.05.1 Back at it again.

Were the Gods a kind existence?

No, not at all. They were far from kind. Even Lakram, the Thousand Face Tree who was considered a harmless being in fiction held an entirely different past that was not noted down in the notes I have come across.

The time when his filth had infiltrated my body, I had a small connection to it, I could see its past, its many faces, and how it got those faces.

A wonderful existence that sent shivers down my spine, if I had any. 

And look what happened to that God's lineage, with its death, there only exists one of its bloodline, teetering on the brink of death. Even a great existence like Lakram was not free from death.

Of course, as it was the nature of gods, or those below them called the Daemons, it was not truly dead and would obviously leave a way out for its comeback. Isn't it wonderful?