4.05.2 He took you away from me.

Max's actions were weird in Sheva's eyes. Yes, this boy has helped them and yes, she really feels thankful toward him. But she was not blind due to it.

The contact between Max and the boy was close to nil, the most he had interacted with this boy was the day he killed Krugal, the boy's father. Then why, all of a sudden Max would make a drastic choice such as making this boy his blood inheritor?

She understood the importance this held. Even for someone with an astounding resume as her, she was still set aside in her regiment when the bloodline promotion offer came up in the talks.

The reason being that one's age and potential mattered a lot for the process. The younger it is, the lower the restriction on talent and compatibility. 

Although Krotal can be somewhat considered at the ripe age for accepting a bloodline. He already possessed one to begin with.