4.06.2 The gang is back.

Although it was hard to notice the age of a dwarf after they hit puberty due to their thick beard, Fahna understood who Sheva was speaking about.

It was the same boy with cut fingers who was staying outside the room, looking at them with a creepy smile. And from what she understood, those injuries were not old, but very fresh in comparison.

Not to mention, the moment she had learned the connection between her teacher and that monster, she had looked deep into the background of Sheva as well as the boy. 

And although, there was nothing new in Sheva's case and it was also harder for her to obtain the files from an enemy nation. Finding the identity of the boy was much easier than she previously assumed.

He was Krotal Smeltver, the lost son of the Smeltver family who was considered dead along with his father. Far cry from what she saw and hence complicating the situation.