4.06.3 Piss off

Being a level below, it was absurd how much danger Owl possessed. Although lacking any way to harm her, his talismans were a force to behold, even though she had fallen for them before. So what of the people around her in the tank?

Not to mention, considering his use of Talisman, there is a high chance, they had long fallen into the trap, and getting out of the protection of the car would be stupid for others. 

Of course, Remira doesn't care about anyone else beside her mother in this group. But it didn't mean she would let them die for no reason when she had the means and understanding to stop them.

It was why she chose to confront Owl by herself. 

And the moment she climbed out of the Tank, the whole cave suddenly lit up by the golden paper that burned with a slow flame, as they floated around.

"I appreciate your choice of Knight Remira." Owl showed his appreciation by coming out himself and continuing. "... If not, I would have lost my bet."