4.06.4 The game.

Although, the Radiant Knight originated from the very first Knight in existence. They were a far cry from what can be considered an ideal knight. 

They were not constrained by the rules, not slaves to it. To pursue their goal, they were ready to stoop as low as possible, as long as it didn't hurt their bottom line, which was the lives of innocents. 

Or so many had claimed, but even then, their actions have put people at risk. But they never backed down from doing such heinous things in an attempt to pursue the greater good. 

That was it, to them, the greater good was more important than any honor or shame. 

Hence the reason why Remira didn't mind selling Farhad. 

This was not like before when she was alone with Farhad. Earlier the reason she could fight these people off and remain astute in front of danger and their request was because she could afford it.