4.11.2 I hate IRS

Trust was hard to come by these days, but without it, there was no chance of survival. 

So although his instincts told him that something was wrong and things might go bad, the Butler chose to accept the suggestion. 

What else could he do, they were at my mercy. Specifically, Farhad. Who claimed to show them the path, and he did do it after seeing the two parties nod. 

"Then come with us." Farhad was not moody at the moment, he had chosen to accept my help and also accepted the small job I gave him, which was taking this old man who had somehow escaped the clutches of Remira on his own by diverting her attention.

A good choice, but he did make things tough for me, meaning a price had to be paid by him. Which can only be paid when he survives this ordeal, otherwise, there would be no reason to create such an extensive one-sided contract with him.