4.11.3 Should have taken the Transfer.

Hope was all I could make, as I knew that she would soon be facing the biggest struggle in her life. 

As in the worst-case scenario, even if she tells them everything, she would still end up torturing her, just to ensure the validity of her words. 

But that in itself was bad, considering where she comes from. 

Although she was ignorant of my true identity, the man Baldar worked for. Her identity was still that of a Citizen of the Republic of Yethel and not just any normal citizen. 

She is someone who was trained to use sniper, obviously meaning that she was no normal citizen, a soldier perhaps, a good one. 

So no matter what happened, the trouble might fall on Yethel and in turn me. 

But this was to be expected, I can't dispose of her, not when Baldar has started to show more value than I expected. Well, not until he forgets everything about her.